Ishijiazhuang is found on the south bank of the Taiping Henan

Author:Yan Zhao Evening News Time:2022.08.16

Zhang Jianrong rides on the South Bank of Taiping Henan.

"How many years, I hope to wear it, Taibei passs through all night ..." Tatubei Road, who was looking forward to how many years, was opened. At 6 o'clock, Chen Fenghuan will come to the Morning Trail of the Minxin Trail, run out of health, run out of happiness, and run out; Zhang Jianrong, who has been riding for more than ten years, loves to the newly renovated Taiping Henan Shore in the year. , Enjoy the scenery while riding, life is full and comfortable ...

During the year, Shijiazhuang, which we live, is changing with each other. Everyone is like you, everyone is in the same body. Eye was at the road of the door of the house, and a small tourist park was added not far away. The streets that often walked changed to look. 96.6 kilometers within the city's highway were free. After transforming, I saw a lot of blue sky ...

From now on, this newspaper has launched a column of the "People to See the Change". By interviewing the citizens in the city, it has realized the changes in the happy people in the city.

The Taiping River, a tributary of the Mother River of Shijiazhuang, winding through the northern part of the city. It is a ecological river that integrates flood prevention, sand prevention, and tourism.

On the new day, the morning of the Taiping River began with a group of birds in the water. On the south bank, a group of people wearing colorful ride clothes rolled on a bicycle to face the scene, shuttled in the picturesque scenery. The grass and trees on both sides of the river are lush, the green trees are shaded, and the birds are shallow. The sparkling shadow is left on the river surface, and a mark of life flows on Shijiazhuang. In this area, Shijiazhuang City is working hard to build the city's "development of the river" starting area, demonstration area, and leading area -Taiping River City area.

This year's favorite ride on the South Bank of Taiping Henan

In the cycling team, 61 -year -old Zhang Jianrong rides while appreciating the scenery on both sides. Although there have been countless times, there are different experiences each time. "I have been riding for more than ten years, and I have to ride at the Taiping River every week. The changes in the Taiping River can really be described by the sky!" Zhang Jianrong stood beside the Taiping River, looking at the clear river water, "Now Young people have no impression that the Tai Ping River and the Luohe River used to have a "sewage flowing and garbage. 'Everyone sees this green and green flowers. Shijiazhuang, a young city of Shijiazhuang, is constantly moving towards it. In the past, constantly innovating, especially in this year, here has brought us greater surprises! "

This surprise first came from the transformation of the South Bank of Taiping. "We used to ride on the northern bank of the Taiping River before, because the road on the south bank was simply unreasonable, and it was messy here, let alone the beautiful scenery!" Zhang Jianrong mentioned the past of the Taiping River without emotion.

In 2021, the Municipal Gardening Bureau's Urban Water System Garden Center opened the construction of the green road of the Taiping Henan Bank. The project starts from Shengli North Street in the west, to the sports street in the east, about 3 kilometers long, with a total area of ​​nearly 50 hectares. By opening up the landscape band of the Taiping Henan Bank, enhance the green land landscape of the Canghu Mountain area, build a high -standard waterfront trail and fitness trail, improve the recreational facilities such as wooden boardwalks, gallery pavilion Vitality shoreline, modern life balcony, urban image window.

Since the green road of the Taiping Henan Bank, Zhang Jianrong and the cycling teammates have opened the cycling journey on the south bank of the Taiping River. Crouching Tiger Mountain, Landscape Bridge, Ai Lian Bridge ... The surrounding screens of the lush trees and green grass showed a prosperous scene. In particular, the newly -built "Landscape Bridge" and "Ailian Bridge" are unique, unique, and self -made, and become famous Internet celebrities.

"This year, the favorite of riding is the south bank of the Taiping River." Zhang Jianrong opened his arms and seemed to want to embrace this scenery. On the south bank of the Taiping River, Zhang Jianrong particularly likes landscape bridges. Then the white streamlined lines show the beauty of the landscape, creating a landscape painting, which has a fascinating charm. In Zhang Jianrong's view, it is not just the beautiful intentions of the landscape, but also like a five -line spectrum, playing the movement of Shijiazhuang's continuous innovation and aggressive movement.

Each morning, when the white streamlined greeted the sun, Zhang Jianrong and her cycling teammates meandered on this landscape bridge, full of infinite vitality and vitality. They collided with the summer collision with the Taiping River and became the scenery in the eyes of others.

"When you start cycling, you will find a different beauty of Shijiazhuang!" In Zhang Jianrong's eyes, the transformation of the South Bank of Taiping Henan was just the beginning of the butterfly change in this area. Needless to say, the curtain of the transformation of the Taiping River area has just opened.

The international fan starts to give us more expectations

From the landscape bridge to the east, Zhang Jianrong and his teammates rode along the Taiping River all the way to the east side of the Crocota Mountain, and came to the Taiping River to enter the Qiao River. The endless Luo River rolled eastward, magnificent.

"The river seas does not have a detailed flow, so it can be deep." Luohe, in Wen Tianxiang's writing, can be comparable to the Yellow River Yangtze River: "After passing the Yangtze River and the Dahe, the flowing flows are stunned." Around this river, the Shijiazhuang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government implemented a "development of the river" strategy to start a reform of a urban pattern. Plan the Taiping River City area with high standards for international vision, and strive to build the city's "development of the river" starting area, demonstration area, and leading area.

Because it is often riding in the Taiping River, it will pay special attention to the development of this area. At first, when Shijiazhuang saw Shijiazhuang to build the Taiping River urban area, Zhang Jianrong was very happy. She also deliberately looked at the map in which area it was. Today, she knows that the planned Taiping River City area is located east of Shengli North Street (National Highway 107), south of Luohe, west of Sports North Street, and north of Gucheng East Road. This is a high -quality area with excellent waterfront resources in the central urban area, deep cultural heritage, and abundant land. It is located in the core area of ​​the urban section of the Luanhe Ecological Belt. It is the earliest section of the comprehensive remediation of the Qiaohe and the Taiping River. The ecological base is superior. The conditions are special. When I saw this area well, Shijiazhuang began to solicit design plans from the world, and Zhang Jianrong was even more excited: "What kind of courage is this! Calling a design plan to the world has never been before. sex!"

This solicitation, almost the leader in the field of global urban planning and architectural design -a total of 72 domestic and foreign companies with 37 international design teams participated.

Starting is the international fan! In February of this year, the seminar on the review of the design plan for the application of the city design plan of the Taiping River area was held. Three winning schemes were selected by the review and checkpoint of well -known domestic experts. On the basis of this Preliminary plan for urban design in Taiping River. In accordance with the principle of "what lack of supplement", supplement public cultural facilities such as museums, art galleries, and concert halls in the Taiping River area, layout high -end leisure and resort hotel clusters and high -end commercial facilities, build high -quality waterfront living communities, build high -level high -level levels , High -quality, high -value "Taiping Vitality Shore, Future City".

The blueprint of the Taiping River City area is "embroidered" on the provincial capital

Today, the blueprint on this paper is "embroidered" on the provincial capital. On June 29 this year, Zhang Xiurong rode on the south bank of the Taiping River and found on the east side of the exhibition center of the Taiping River City area. To the beginning of the construction of the basic road project in the Taiping River area.

Later, she knew that the concentrated projects included 3 new comprehensive pipe corridors projects, namely Xianghe Street, Linping Road, and Linqing Street project; , Lin Ping Road, Liobei Road, Xianghe Street, Linqing Street, Liuzhong Street, Guping Street project; and two road improvement transformation projects of Shengli North Street and Sports Street, which marks the official construction of the Taiping River City area.

To get rich, build the road first; to develop the road first. Relevant experts point out that the implementation of these road engineering will unblock the "aorta" and unblock "microcirculation" of the Taiping River City Area, further improve the road of roads in the Taiping River City area, and effectively realize the prelude to transportation infrastructure to serve urban area highs. Quality development. These roads are currently stepping up construction.

On the shore of the Luohe River and the Taiping River, a beautiful picture of the "Taiping Vitality Shore, the Future City" is being opened slowly. "I look forward to the future of the Taiping River City area! I really want to see what will the future of this international start -up area become like?" Looking at the roar hook, Zhang Jianrong's eyes are full of hope, "This future film The area will definitely bring us shock! "

Text/Yan Zhao Evening News Reporter Feng Yuejing

Figure/Correspondent Li Qingtian

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