Discover the good story of the people!Texas to carry out the "strong country's rejuvenation has me" people's story to preach

Author:Texas Daily Time:2022.08.16

On August 16th, the story of the people's story of the "Powerful Country Revival" of the "Powerful Country Revival" of the Texas Municipal Party Committee's Propaganda Department was held in Zhaohu Town, Tianyu New District.

The event invited Wei Dadong, the head of the "Texas Times" and the head of the Fumin Agricultural Service Cooperative in Linyi County. Weide Dong gave a speech on four aspects of endorsement for "new farmers", the mission of "new agriculture", building a full industrial chain service platform, and helping "new agriculture".

The party branches and some of the villages and parties in Zhaohu Town, Tianyu New District listened to lectures. Everyone has said that the preaching content is close to the reality of rural and farmers, and will actively draw on the ideas of Wendong's agricultural development, help the rural revitalization with practical actions, and welcome the 20th victory of the party.

In the next step, the Propaganda Department of the Texas Municipal Party Committee will also carry out a series of preaching activities such as the "Four History" study and education, and the promotion of the situation of the situation, focusing on the vivid practices of Texas construction and development of various undertakings, discover, tell, and spread the good stories of the people. Vigorously create a strong social atmosphere of unity, self -confidence, and Guotai Min'an.

Produced by Dezhou Daily New Media

Reporter | Liu Zhenxing

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