"Team You" Teacher brings out a group of "playing" children who can play

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.08.16

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client August 16th News A rope, a hula ring, a wooden ladder ... There is a female teacher Hong Huawei, a female teacher who always smiles in the prosperous red seedling kindergarten in Jianghan District. She always has wonderful creativity , Can play simple props to play creativity and tricks, and take the children to "play middle school". The children brought out by the teacher "fun you" are also very good at playing, spending happy childhood in the laughter, and also developing the meaning of good habits, understanding rules and responsibilities in the game.

Hong Huawei. Picture source: I person

A rope, a huded ring

You can also play creative tricks

Hong Huawei and the children are together. Picture source: I person

There is a slope of about 36 square meters at the back door of the Shengshi Red Miao Kindergarten, which has been empty. When you come and go, Hong Huawei always ponders whether you can use this small open space to take the children to play something. Last semester, Hong Huawei used a few hemp ropes of different lengths, hanging down from the corridor next to the side, and tied a hula ring on the bottom of each rope.

"Teacher Hong, what is this toy?" "How do you play?" Seeing Mr. Hong's new equipment, the children were curious and "studied" around this "swinging" group. Some children sat on the Hulai ring, grabbed both sides, swinging like a swing, some put the hula circle under the armpit, rushed down the slope, and experienced the feeling of "gliding umbrella". There are also children holding their friends and "jumping circles" together ... Teacher Hong laughed and watched the children "research" and encouraged them to try different gameplay.

"Curiosity, love to play is the nature of children. In playing, they are also learning the experience of life. As a kindergarten teacher, it takes a lot of thoughts and creativity to take the children 'play". "Hong Huawei is best at using it. The game allows children to play "tricks" and use "funny you to play" to lead the educational value.

There was a tall crooked neck tree beside the kindergarten playground. During the outdoor activity time, Hong Huawei leaned a wooden ladder on the tree, and he sat under the tree to "see the fun". The children who "Shangdang" came again: they sent representatives to climb the wooden ladder to climb up, one climbing, several support; they could not cross the tree and lift the wooden ladder move forward; they found that there was a foothold on the tree, One stop for four or five people on the front chest. "Wow, I am a giant!" "Ah, I see the roof of the Paradise Park!" Since then, this crooked neck tree has become the child's favorite "punch place".

Map of Wuhan behind Hong Huawei's self -made teaching aids. Picture source: I person

Because I like to play, play well, and want to play with the children, Hong Huawei has made the "number of players" for the teaching aids based on the child's interest, and combines counting, puzzle, sorting, scientific exploration, etc. There is also a hand -painted map of Wuhan on the back. Children often take the dolls and stop on it. They know many famous buildings and attractions in Wuhan. In 2018, this creative teaching aid also won the third prize of the "Zhang Ye Cup" National Kindergarten Excellent Homemade Teachers.

With the children "playing true"

Education penetrates into life

Hong Huawei and the children are together. Picture source: I (data map)

Education must be able to produce strength through life, and Hong Huawei often takes children to "play true" in the game full of life. In the Shengshi Red Seedling Kindergarten, the entire kindergarten simulates a "big cruise ship". Each activity room is a cruise cabin with different themes. When playing games, Hong Huawei often goes to the "Lele Niu Tea Tea Card" in the class, "Find Find" - "The tea in the shop is fake, and you will not come next time!" ! "" The newly opened tea cabin is not popular, it is estimated that it will be closed! "

The small clerk played by the children was anxious and made a "meeting" together to find a way. The children drummed up the courage and proposed to the principal to open a branch in the teaching restaurant to solve the problem of small stores. They separated the real tea cups, tea, teapots at home, learned to eat tea, and also drawn posters together. In the game, the children are united and cooperative in the game, experienced different occupations in real life, exercised their ability to handle, and improved their ability to solve problems.

There is also a agreement between Hong Huawei and their parents. One day is a "family showing a weak day", creating an opportunity to serve the family for children. On this day, the children "broke their hearts" for the family: Wu Yuting spent two hours to help his father to clean up the desk; Zeng Chuyu controlled the dates on the medicine box for a week of medicine for a week; Make good money for the sick partners. Parents are often surprised to find their children's ability to work, sensible, and caring.

"Tomorrow children must have thoughts, cooperation, remembrance, and responsibility. Education penetrates into life. I hope to cultivate such a" future children 'in the play. "In recent years, Hong Huawei has The class was repeatedly rated as the "Best Penta Class" in Jianghan District. Many children won the title of "Samsung Almighty Baby" in Jianghan District, and many parents were awarded the title of "Outstanding Parents in the Homeland in the Homeland" in Jianghan District. Last year, she won the first prize in Wuhan's 22nd Vocational Skills Competition and the 17th Teacher Five Skills Competition.

"Let each star flash"

She can always find children's exclusive advantages

Hong Huawei and the children are together. Picture source: I (data map)

"Children are stars, each one can shine her light." This was what she wrote in educational essays. Since participating in work, she has "let each star flash" as her educational speaker, devoted her wholeheartedly to class management, patiently observed the advantages of children, discovering children, and recorded children's growth. In 2021, a boy named Lang (a pseudonym) in the newly -took over, caught Hong Huawei's attention. He couldn't control his emotions, often conflicting with his companions, and even scolding his family. Seeing the daily performance of Tongyu, Hong Huawei was not in a hurry to "sue" with his parents, nor did he rush to criticize the child. Instead, he used "microge" to record the child's behavior again and again, and found the unique flash time. When she shared the moment when she shared silently to help others, the praise of the parents and the applause of her companion made the stubborn boy shy smile. Parents of Langluo deliberately asked Teacher Hong to express their excitement: "This is the first time since he was enrolled in school to be praised by the teacher, and the praise changed a lot."

It is such a "micro -flash record method" that makes every child in Honghua Wei's class shine with unique light. For more than a year, from a few instant stickers recorded in the beginning, it has become a thick diary. The "flash" of each child has become the "exclusive memory" between Mr. Hong and the children and parents.

Under the kindergarten WeChat public platform, some parents left a message: "I can deeply understand that Mr. Hong treats each child as his own child. ! ""

(Changjiang Daily reporter Liu Jia correspondent Song Yan Lei Ming)

【Edit: Zhao Ke】

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