Extraordinary ten years • Guangxi: Putting the great day of the motherland in the southern Xinjiang, the good day is placed in the song every day

Author:Guangxi Satellite TV Time:2022.08.16

For ten years, a new chapter of Zhuangxiang spectrum.

Guilin Maozhu Mountain Village has a "agricultural and cultural tourism" integration, and the road of revitalization in the countryside has become wider and wider; Liuzhou snails powder "circle powder" is numerous, and Xiaomi Fan continues to write "big surprise"; the millennium Hais culture "lives", the ancient Silk road ancient roads, the ancient road road ancient Hong Kong starts a new journey ... Standing in Guangxi to see Guangxi, the practical pictures under the leadership of the new development concept are vibrant.

China-ASEAN Expo, China-ASEAN Commerce and Investment Summit and other major open platforms have improved the energy level; China (Guangxi) Free Trade Zone has settled over 73,000 enterprises; "... Looking at Guangxi nationwide, Guangxi's positive hoof steps for the" three major positioning "mission are steadily forging ahead.

Look at the present, good days are placed in the song every day

疍 疍 疍 疍 疍 疍 疍 疍 疍 疍. Ye Jingfei

"A green belt passed through the city, and the fishing boat in the middle of the river. The fishing song is like the water rivers, and the diarrhea is continuously flowing ..." On the New Year's festival, the Xiajia Cultural Plaza in the Xinxingyuan Community, Jiangnan District, Nanning City will be melodious. The sigh of the family.

The old man who is playing against the song is the "water family" who once lived on the Minjiang River. In 2012, Nanning raised special funds to promote the comprehensive rectification and development and utilization of the Minjiang River, and help ships fishermen who lived on the water all year round to live ashore. At the end of that year, more than 121 households and 600 family members said goodbye to "water drift" and stayed at the "water family" resettlement point in Jiangnan District.

In order to allow the family members to "go ashore, live down, and can develop", the party committee of the Erqiao West Community Party Committee of Jiangnan Street, Jiangnan District has formed a working mechanism for the "four -story" negotiation of urban and rural areas -every month, 4th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th, 14th On the 24th or Thursday, the party members and the masses of community party members talked about the matter and solved the problems for the family members. Thanks to the "four talks" in urban and rural areas, the community has built idle dirt slopes into a small square culture square, and everyone has a good place for leisure and entertainment.

Ten years of fingers, ten years, ten years leaping over the new face.

As the provinces with the largest number of ethnic minorities in my country, there are 12 vast nations and 44 other ethnic groups in Guangxi Zhuang, Han, Yao, Miao, Miao, 侗, Maoyan, Mao Nan, Hui, Jing, Shui, Yi, and Gao Lao. Ethnic groups are a family, and the family will live a good life!

"Tuyao" is the rare branch of the Yao nationality in my country. As one of the six "Tuyao" villages in Pinggui District, Hezhou City, Tsugu Village is located in the hinterland of the Daigui Mountains. It used to be deeply trapped in poverty due to the bad natural environment.

In just a few years, this "poor and poor" Xiaoshan Village has found a huge change in "one step through the thousand years" through poverty alleviation: in 2015, the per capita net income was less than 3,000 yuan, and the village collective economic income was zero; in 2021, the per capita was pure. The income reached 12,000 yuan, and the collective economic income of the village reached 586,700 yuan.

The corner of the tank. Ye Huan respectfully photographed

In the past, "Tu Yao" was afraid of saying soil; now, "Tu Yao" is afraid of not soil.

With the cultivation of the cement roads outside the village, the isolated Tank Village was lively. The unique and mysterious "Tuyao" folk customs have attracted a number of tourists. Ginger, bitter bamboo shoots, tea and other rural natives are out of worry about selling villages ... Between "one in and one out", the villagers' pockets are even more drumming It's right. The villager Deng Chunyin has tasted the sweetness: "The first farmhouse in the village was opened by my family. It has a monthly income of nearly 6,000 yuan, and the days are getting more red."

"Today in Guangxi, people's lives are more quality and tasteful. The people of Zhuang Township sang thousands of people in the good days and placed in the song every day." At the "China Ten Years of Guangxi", Liu Ning, Secretary and Director of the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Region.

Continue to struggle and seek happiness for the country

The new appearance of Baizhen Village, Le Ye County. Photo confidence in the Propaganda Department of Lede County Party Committee

In the past ten years, the power of the entire district in Guangxi has fought poverty alleviation, and the problem of absolute poverty has been solved historically: 6.34 million poverty -stricken people have been poverty alleviation, 5379 poor villages and 54 poverty -stricken counties take off their caps. The provincial party committee and government poverty alleviation and development work have achieved "five companies". Not long ago, CCTV's hit TV series "Daughter of Dashan" was based on Huang Wenxiu, the first secretary of Baizhang Village, Leye County, Baise City, Guangxi. Vividly portrayed.

Dream of poverty alleviation, then start a new journey.

On August 1, the Guangxi Rural Revitalization Bureau and the Communist Youth League Guangxi District Committee held thousands of young people to "help the front line to learn to Wenxiu to learn from Wenxiu" rural revitalization volunteer service operation ceremony. Young volunteers made youth vows in the place where Huang Wenxiu worked during his lifetime, inherited the excellent quality, and contributed youth and wisdom to the revitalization of the countryside.

The countryside must be revitalized, talents are engines, and industries are support.

Pu Beibei County, Qinzhou City has a long history. Fully dry the citrus skin peeling out of the red mandarin can make it into a tangerine skin with both consumption and medicinal value.

Longmen Town is a local large red mandarin core area. In 2021, the total output of red mandarin was about 75,000 tons. According to Lu Jianhao, secretary of the Party Committee of Longmen Town, Chenpi Industry has driven more than 8,000 people in the town to achieve employment income. It is expected that Chenpi's transaction volume will reach 5,500 tons this year, and the transaction value exceeds 1.54 billion yuan.

The villagers made Chenpi in front of the room. Photo Conferring in Rong Media Center, Pu Bei County

The prosperity of the Chenpi industry made Liantang Village, Longmen Town on the fast track of getting rich. In the late autumn and early winter, the scene of picking citrus fruit, peeling citrus skin, and households of households have become the local harvest "landscape". Just last year, the whole village added more than 50 private cars. Since the beginning of this year, Puibei County has implemented an industrial working mechanism of "a industrial chain, a county leader, a special class promotion, and a set of policy support". Dragon "services help rural rejuvenation by making bigger and stronger Chenpi industries.

"In the past, our Chenpi was directly supplied to Guangdong enterprises with raw materials. Now it is different. We have deep processing. We are very popular in the citrus tea and Chenpi juice!" Essence

Not satisfied with the traditional Chenpi industry, the local area has gradually made new tricks for the Chenpi industry. Right now, it is more than half a month before the Mid -Autumn Festival, which is the busiest time for Guangxi Jinsheng Food Co., Ltd.. The 60,000 -kg Chenpi moon cakes were snapped up as soon as they were listed, and the workshop was hazarding to produce. In the company's exhibition hall, Chen Bo, the person in charge of the company, was busy selling Chenpi's moon cake to the merchants. The stuffing moon cake is added to the filling, which ends a faint scent of mandarin after cutting. The entrance is not greasy.

Xiang Haituqiang, high -quality development has arrived at the time

Guangxi deepen the cooperation of Guangdong and Guizhou industry to seize the new track of the prefabricated vegetable industry. Photo by People's Daily reporter Peng Yuanhe

The total import and export import and export of Guangxi border trading ranked first in the country for 7 consecutive years;

The total import and export of foreign trade in ASEAN countries increased from 74.75 billion yuan in 2012 to 282.12 billion yuan in 2021, an average annual increase of 15.8%;

From 2012 to 2021, Guangxi attracted about 16,800 investment projects in the Greater Bay Area, with a total investment of more than 4.67 trillion yuan ...

In the past ten years, Guangxi has implemented the opening -up strategy of opening up and promoting comprehensive and open development. This solid "transcript" is exciting. From remote and occluded southwest borders to the opening of the new channels of the land and sea in the west, from small -scale mutual market trade to high -level cooperation and win -win, the earth -shaking changes are enough to explain that "the potential of Guangxi's development is open and the stamina is also open."

Open a son, and the development is full.

Guangxi is the only province connected to the ASEAN sea and land. It has the unique district advantage of "one bay to make eleven countries, benign interaction, the East, China", and has great potential for development to the sea. In 2021, the Twelfth Party Congress of the Autonomous Region emphasized the importance of prosperity and Haitu Qiang, and made important deployment of the development to the sea economy.

Beibu Gulf Port Qinzhou Automated Container Terminal. Photo by People's Daily reporter Peng Yuanhe

On June 28, with the steady hanging container of the automated dual car shore bridge to the intelligent guide transport vehicle, the nation's first sea -ray transportation container terminal, the Qinzhou automated container terminal of Beibuwan Port, was officially opened.

This is a key step for Guangxi to realize "Xianghai and Haitu". "The opening of the automated container terminal will significantly improve the comprehensive capabilities and intelligence level of Beibuwan Port, and comprehensively break the bottleneck of the infrastructure of the Beibu Gulf Port Ocean route." Said Huang Wuhai, executive deputy director of the Planning and Construction Management Office of Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone.

Turning around the sea and the world, the waves were full of clouds. In the first half of 2022, the GDP of Guangxi Ocean was 84.745 billion yuan, an increase of 7.8%year -on -year, higher than the GDP growth level in the region.

Recently, the key hub project of the construction of the new land and sea new channels in the Western Land and Sea -Pinglu Canal Project will officially start construction. The Pinglu Canal, which is planned for a total length of about 135 kilometers, carries the "century -old dream" of Tongjiang Dahai, Guangxi.

One river runs through, and Bayi is towards the sea. After the completion of the Pinglu Canal, it will directly connect the "Golden Waterway" and the port port of Beibu Gulf to open a convenient economy to the sea for Guangxi. Taking the capital Nanning as an example, it was only 291 kilometers from the Nanning Pinglu Canal from the Beibu Gulf, which was shortened by 560 kilometers from the Pearl River Delta.

The Pinglu Canal began at the Pingtang River in Xijinku District, Hengzhou City, Nanning. Huang Haitao, Secretary of the Hengzhou Municipal Party Committee, said that it is necessary to promote the construction of the Pinglu Canal as the top project, seize opportunities, take fast action, and work hard, and fully cooperate with the project's preliminary work.

Facing the sea, Xiang Haituqiang, the high -quality development of Guangxi is full of hope, the future is expected, and the construction of Guangxi has arrived at that time, and its momentum has been achieved. Standing at the new historical starting point, more than 57 million children of Zhuangxiang are following the great rejuvenation leader, and strive to compose the chapter of Guangxi, Guangxi, a comprehensive construction of a socialist modernization country.

Source: People's Daily -Guangxi Channel

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