Zhoukou Huaiyang: Secretary of the District Party Committee Zhang Jian Party led a team to investigate Longhu Wetland Ecological Protection Project

Author:Huaiyang Rong Media Time:2022.08.16

On the morning of August 15th, Zhang Jian Party, secretary of the Huaiyang District Party Committee, led a team to investigate the Longhu Wetland Ecological Protection Project. He emphasized that the people of the Longhu Wetland Ecological Protection Project are eagerly looking forward to and pay attention to the society. Relevant departments must only strive for day and night, work hard, speed up, and efficiency, and ensure that the project is completed and put in early. Achievements.

Zhang Jianxian and his party successively went to the construction site of Longhu · Su Garden Park, Fuxi Cultural Plaza, Laoshan Rain Sewage Pipe Network Reconstruction, Inner Ring Lake Ecological Corridor and other project construction sites. Requirement and guidance.

Zhang Jianxian requested that the progress of the project must be accelerated. It is necessary to seize the current favorable construction timing, according to the established time node, grab the construction period, rush progress, and improve efficiency, ensure that all projects are completed as scheduled, better improve the city facilities, and comprehensively enhance the image of the city. Site management should be strengthened. Green construction, civilized construction, refined construction, and timely clean up construction waste, to maximize the impact on merchants and residents' lives. The quality of engineering must be paid to pay close attention. We must keep an eye on weak links, strengthen supervision and inspection, pay attention to details, strictly control the quality of the project, management, and acceptance, and make every effort to build a reassured project, high -quality project, and high -quality projects to ensure that the project is high -quality and high -quality presentation.

District leaders Lu Zhenlong, Cui Weihua, Zhu Gaojian, Fang Xueyuan and relevant units accompanied the investigation.

Reporter Rong Media: Wang Kai Qi Xueyin

Edit: Liang Xin

Editor in charge: Liu Yichen

Review: Wang Yong

Produced: Jiang Yanchen

Director: Zhang Jinchao

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