"Bring Wuhan's smart hospital model back to Tibet"

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.06.17

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client June 17 (Correspondent Jiang Hongying Chen Shu) Recently, a delegation from the Weijian System of Losa County, Tibet came to Han to study. On the 17th, they visited the construction of smart hospitals and smart ward in Wuhan Third Hospital, and said they would bring this advanced construction model back to Tibet.

"The care system next to the bed can show the specific situation of the patient's admission, and the details of the medication every day. In the past, the hospitalized patients needed to check what items every day, and the results of the examination need to be asked frequently. In the Smart Ward of the Burning Department, Li Feng, the head nurse of the Burning Department, explained the construction of the smart ward of the hospital to the delegation. Li Feng said that now there is a bedside care system, you only need to click on the screen to "not leave home" to understand the situation at any time, as well as leisure and entertainment services and easy -to -understand health education videos. More at ease.

Tibet traveled to the Third Hospital of Wuhan City.

Zhang Wuchang, deputy dean of the hospital, introduced that at present, as a demonstration ward of the Wisdom Ward of Wuhan Third Hospital in Wuhan, the "data running" has been realized instead of "medical care", and "data accompany" instead of "family members" has become a patient. New model of hospitalization.

Zheng Jiang, deputy head of Luoza County, Tibet, said that the third hospital in Wuhan City extended the construction of "5G+Smart Medical" to create a smart ward. Through intelligent terminal equipment, the tentacles and medical services provided by patients left them to leave them with medical services to them. A deep impression, "We must bring these experiences and practices back, combined with reality, better protect the lives and health of the people."

[Edit: Yu Lina]

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