"Party Building Studies" Zhu Jiamu: Recalling Comrade Chen Yun's grasp of party style construction

Author:Chang'an Street Reading Club Time:2022.08.16

Zhu Jiamu: Recalling Comrade Chen Yun's arrest of party style construction

Party building


In the early 1980s, in addition to serving as the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, Comrade Chen Yun also served as the first secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. In the past few years, I was serving as his secretary, listening to and witnessing a series of important claims and practices he grasped party style construction. Combined with the later historical inspection, especially the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, the Party Central Committee comprehensively and strictly governed the party's results. Deeper experience.

"The handling of this struggle should make all the Communists of our party in the future learn from the party's struggle."

After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party, the task was very arduous anyway. As the first secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Comrade Chen Yun, while he was in charge of trialing the cases of Lin Biao and Jiang Qing's counter -revolutionary groups, also led the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection to review and investigate peaceful and anti -countermeasures for major unjust and false cases.

In August 1981, when I was working with Comrade Chen Yun, I was catching up with the "two cases" trial. How to deal with the implication of the two anti -revolutionary groups with Lin Biao and Jiang Qing has become a difficult issue in front of people. During the fifth National "Two Cases" trials held in November, Comrade Chen Yun thought about it and wrote a written opinion in writing, and I also participated in the text scrutiny. In his opinion, he wrote: "Cultural Revolution" is a civil strife. Although it was used by several conspirators and ambitious people, "but in the global perspective, it is a political struggle after all. Therefore, in addition to several conspiracy, In addition to separate treatment, for other people who are implicated, they must deal with a political struggle ... This treatment method must not only see the specific historical conditions of this struggle, and we must see that the handling of this struggle should make us we should make us. All the Communists of the party in the future will learn from the party's struggle within the party, so as to take the correct way to fight within the party. "It is his opinion that provides correct and timely policy guidance for the" two cases "work. A large number of people who have had such or that, or that, or do that wrong with two counter -revolutionary groups, do not deal with judicial procedures.

Even for the main criminals and backbones of the two counter -revolutionary groups, Comrade Chen Yun advocated strictly grasping the scale of handling. For example, he proposed that the people in the Lin Biao Group had a great achievement, and it was different from the Jiangqing Group in handling; although Jiang Qing Group's primary criminals had to be sentenced to severe punishment, they should not be punished. Before I was about to leave the post of secretary, he also mentioned it in his conversation. He said: "The Gang of Four, the Gang of Four, the Politburo meeting discussed, and many comrades advocated Jiang Qing's death penalty. I said that they could not kill, and the struggle with the Gang of Four" was a within the party's struggle. Some people said that the party's struggle could also be killed. It is said that the party's struggle cannot be killed, otherwise the offspring will not be easy to handle. "[1] These opinions, for educating the majority of party members and cadres to pay full attention to the party's policies and strategies, restore and carry forward the party's excellent style, consolidate and develop the party's ten The great situation since the Third Plenary Session of the Central Committee has had a positive and far -reaching impact. Regarding the work of rehabilitation and false and false cases, Comrade Chen Yun also led the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection to carry out a firm, solid and orderly manner in accordance with the principle of seeking truth from facts. He has always advocated that the historical issues of the party must be practical and fair, and the "two ordinary" wrong policies that have been implemented after crushing the "Gang of Four" are the first to oppose Comrade Deng Xiaoping. The shaking, also the famous speech entitled "Persistence and Must Correction" at the Central Working Conference before the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee was completely broken. After the meeting, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, who served as the first secretary, devoted great energy to the rehabilitation work of the case of unjust, false and false cases. Cases, wrong cases, no matter which level of organizations and leaders set by leaders, they must be corrected truthfully, and all false words must be pushed down. "[2]

Comrade Chen Yun's concern for party members' political life is famous. As early as the Minister of the Central Organization Department during the Yan'an era, he proposed the twelve -character policy of cadre policies, that is, "understanding people, large gas, good use, and loving people." He said: When a cadre political life problem is involved, it must be very solemn, very cautious and careful when dealing with, because "a comrade who participates in revolutionary work often does not pay attention to physical life. He attaches great importance to political life. But he was unwilling to be fired by the party organization. " [3] At that time, under the difficult conditions of his leadership, he had figured out many historical issues of suspicion and grievances, which made them lose their burdens and re -entered their jobs. Before and after the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, he may promote or lead a series of major cases of unjust and false cases, including the Pan Hannian case in the early days of the founding of New China.

Regarding the case of Pan Hannian, Comrade Chen Yun had always had doubts that if Pan Zhen was in the enemy, the underground party organization he knew should be destroyed, but none of them were destroyed. As soon as he ended the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, he suggested to the central government to review the case. In October 1979, he was detected with colon cancer. Before the operation, Yao Yilin, then the deputy secretary -general and director of the Central Office of the Central Committee, asked him what he explained. He did not say anything else, but only re -examined the Pan Hannian case to the then Secretary -General of the Central Committee and the third secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. A text message. After the operation, he instructed the Ministry of Public Security to organize a material about the processing process of the Pan case, and then wrote a letter to several central members of the Central Committee, saying that the "these materials did not have Pan to invest in the enemy. People related to rehabilitation have been rehabilitated. Therefore, the central government proposed that the central government will formally review the case of Pan Hannian. " [4] At the end of 1981, he went to the Great Hall of the People to meet the old comrades of the "Central Specialty" party history. At that time, he asked me to go with him, so he heard him say: The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection is rehabilitating for Pan Hannian. "I believe he will recover his reputation." [5] In August 1982, the Party Central Committee finally issued the "Notice on Anti -Zhao Xue and Restoring Honorary for Comrade Pan Hannian" according to the results of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

In September 1982, after more than three years of hard work, the whole party basically completed the arduous task of chaos anyway in the actual work of various fronts. On this basis, the party held the 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, approved the route since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and entered the new stage of the party and the country into a comprehensive construction of socialist modernization.

"Only when our party first forms a distinctive atmosphere, the party's unity has the foundation and the party has combat effectiveness."

Comrade Chen Yun always attaches great importance to the issue of party style. He put forward the conclusion of "the issue of the party's life and death" and "the party style must be hurriedly engaged" [6] proposed during the period of his time as the first secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. Knowing.

From the beginning of the recovery of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Comrade Chen Yun proposed that its work guidance should be: "Maintain the party's law and rectify the party's style." [7] After the Twelfth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection will hold the plenary session. Comrade Chen Yun asked me to prepare a speech for him in advance, and explained: " Party committees at all levels have effectively grasped the rectification of the party style. "[8]

In order to grasp the party style, Comrade Chen Yun first advocated the establishment of the atmosphere of adherence. On the eve of the 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, when he reviewed the report of the Central Committee's report draft, he asked me to convey a opinion to Comrade Hu Qiaomu who was organizing the report and said, "It is currently in our party style, and even in the whole society. There is a big problem, that is, right and wrong. Some comrades dare not adhere to the principles in front of right and wrong, 'and thin mud', and people who adhere to the principles are isolated. But now it is much more serious than then. In the past, affected by the guiding ideology of 'left', it emphasized the philosophy of struggle too much. Afraid of contradictions, fear of struggle, and offending people. For this issue, if you only raise the party discipline, I think it is not enough. Yes, it is the spirit of right and wrong. Only when our party first forms a distinctive atmosphere, the party's unity can have the foundation, and the party has the combat effectiveness. 9] Later, the report of the 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of China absorbed his opinion. At that conference, when he talked about boldly and accelerated the promotion of young and middle -aged cadres in his speech, he also strictly stressed the political standards, and also emphasized that "We must pay more attention to virtue than virtue than virtue. That is to say, those who really promote those party spirit, decent style, and dare to adhere to the principles. "After the Twelfth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Comrade Chen Yun further explained his claim in a speech at the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection at a time, and it was in The scope of his jurisdiction is required to be implemented first. He proposed: "The cadres who do disciplinary inspection should be a strong party spirit and a righteous person; they should be able to adhere to the principles and dare to dare to fight with all kinds of unhealthy winds and all violations of laws and disciplines in the party. ; Instead of being "and thin mud 'on the principle, be a peacemaker, old man." [10]

In 1983, before the Second Plenary Session of the Twelfth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Comrade Chen Yun asked me to emphasize the party style of the ruling party when drafting his speech. At that time, he saw some rural party members' training from the briefing. In addition to subsidizing food, he also had to pay misunderstandings. Even some party members did not give money without paying money. In this regard, he asked to raise the height of the party's party style. He said: "This was unimaginable before the party's ruling. Before liberation, it also supported war, transcended ammunition, and wounded soldiers in the countryside. Is it reasonable to be a reasonable subsidy? The Communist Party members who subsidize the misalignment subsidy should think about it, is this the standard of a Communist Party member? The standard of the Communist Party members is to sacrifice their lives for communism for life for life. I see all training Those who ask for money for meetings cannot be a Communist Party member. In the future, do not subsidize the misrepresents during the training in the country. All party members who are required to subsidize the labor subsidy should be expelled from the party. "[11] At that time, some comrades reported to me that This requirement could not figure it out, and it was too harsh. In my opinion, his request just reflects the spirit of strict governance of the party.

At that time, some comrades opposed the party's discipline and reform and opening up. It seemed that the party style and party discipline were constantly restricting reform and opening up, that is, the hands and feet of "reformers", and proposing the slogan of "loosening" cadres in the execution discipline. In response to this idea, Comrade Chen Yun explicitly instructed in a report of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in 1984: "The principle of party spirit and the party's discipline does not have the problem of 'loosening'. Without a good party style, the reform is not good." [12 12 ] He also pointed out, "The key to the construction of socialist spiritual civilization is that the ruling party must have a good party style." [13] I have counted it. There are 26 pages 96 pages in the new period in "Chen Yunwen", " The word "party style" actually appeared 30 times. It can be seen that the main task of Comrade Chen Yun's disciplinary inspection department of the party is the idea of ​​"grasping the party style", which is clear and consistent.

"The Discipline Inspection Commission cannot be the 'Old Lady's Discipline Inspection Commission', but to be the 'Iron Discipline Inspection Commission'."

In the age of a person, especially in his old age, the spirit will often be less and less, but this law does not have a role in the strong belief. During my secretary Chen Yun, he was an elderly man 80 years old, but he still did not diminish the party's customs and anti -corruption determination and courage. A typical case is about cracking down on serious economic crimes.

In the early 1980s, the illegal disciples of coastal provinces such as Guangdong and Fujian colluded inside and outside the coastal provinces and engaged in smuggling activities. Many party members and cadres not only acted as "protective umbrellas", but also participated in it. The masses had great opinions on this. On January 5, 1982, Comrade Chen Yun asked me to go to his office and pointed to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection that the day before yesterday to report that some party members and cadres in Guangdong participated in the involvement of smuggling and corruption. (The then deputy secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection), we must re -control it and kill a few. Kill a few, you can save a large number of. In the early days of liberation, he killed thousands of yuan. "When he said, his face flushed, And after shooting the table, I never saw him with such a big temper. I turned around with the briefing and walked to the door. He called me back and said, "Simply, let me criticize it." So he criticized this briefing to several members of the Politburo Standing Committee and wrote: "Yes In severe economic criminals, I advocated a few strictly handling, sentenced to several sentences, and even killing a few sins, and posted reports, otherwise the party style could not be rectified. "[14] several leading comrades agreed after reading, Comrade Deng Xiaoping, Comrade Deng Xiaoping, and Comrade Deng Xiaoping Behind the word "kill a few sins", eight words were added: "Fierce and popular, seize it." Six days later, the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting to study and implement the instruction spirit of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Central Committee, and also In this regard, an emergency notice was issued to all parts of the country. A struggle to combat illegal crimes in the economic field was launched vigorously. After a period of time, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection said in the materials reflected in the material reflected in the "Central Emergency Notice": Some comrades believe that the central government has to crack down on serious economic crimes, but it is late to catch it late. The problem is quite serious. The accumulation is difficult to return. Comrade Chen Yun's instructions on the above: "Now grasping, although the time is too late, it must be caught. The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection must go all out." [15] Aiming at some comrades' fear of fighting economic crimes to hinder reform and opening up, he Said to me, "I'm afraid of this, it's not afraid of the death of the party."

Comrade Chen Yun was fully prepared for the arduous complexity of this struggle. He said: "It is my responsibility to catch this matter. I don't care about it? I am going to let people fight a black gun and damage my grandson." He also asked me to tell his children and pay attention to safety when going out. He also approved a comments on Hong Kong newspapers to Huang Kecheng (the Second Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection) and Comrade Wang Heshou, and pointed out: "It must be strictly held for economic crime cases. After the Twelfth National Congress, one day, he called me to say that some people in the 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of China mentioned that the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection was decisive in dealing with the issue of history, but it was weak when dealing with reality. He asked me to tell Comrade Huang Kecheng and Wang Heshou, "It is necessary to boldly engage in cases involving leading cadres, and he will mention the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee. Discipline Inspection '. "[17]

With the leadership and urging of Comrade Chen Yun and Comrade Chen Yun, the struggle to crack down on illegal activities in the economic field has achieved great victory. In the first year of strict fighting, there were as many as 160,000 cases of economic crime cases filed by the Discipline Inspection System, of which more than 5,500 people were closed and expelled from the party. Wang Zhong, the former deputy director of the Political and Legal Committee of the Shantou Earth Commission, was also sentenced to death. This struggle deterred the party in the party with power in power, curb the momentum of serious crimes in the economic field, and ensure the health of reform and opening up.

"Being a watch rate first starts with the leaders of the Central Political Bureau, the Secretariat and the State Council"

Comrade Chen Yun has always advocated that in front of the party discipline, it must be treated equally, and it is difficult to handle the disciplinary cases involved in leading cadres. After the reform and opening up, the party and government and military agencies were once in business. In this regard, he explicitly instructed: "No matter who violates the party's discipline and political discipline, it must be resolutely dealt with in accordance with the party discipline and political discipline; if you violate the law, it is recommended to deal with it according to law. ]

At that time, there was a case of bribery in disguise, involving a deputy ministerial senior cadre, and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection had a great resistance. After several repeated, the Central Secretariat decided to give the parties a "serious warning within the party". Once the processing results were announced, it caused strong response inside and outside the party, and it is generally believed that the treatment is too light. The night before the secretary of the secretary to discuss this issue, it was already over 11 o'clock. Well, I can't explain to millions of martyrs and tens of millions of sacrificed soldiers. "He asked me to tell a leading comrade of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. He must be held up with this matter. At the meeting, the Politburo could not be connected to the meeting of the Central Committee. Later, the Central Secretariat finally approved the handling of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, decided to give the deputy minister to the party for two years and revoke the duties in the party, and suggested that his various positions outside the party. Based on this, the State Council decided to withdraw his deputy minister.

For a while, the wind of the leading units of the party, government and military leaders required a high -end car. Comrade Chen Yun reported on the situation: "Anyone (or unit) and a car (or a unit (or unit) and the individual (the administrative organs are equipped with ), No matter who it is, it will be returned and takes the original car. In this incident, offending someone is better than letting the masses scold us below. " To achieve an example in the fundamental improvement of party style and social at all, he clearly suggested: "Being an example, starting with the comrades of the Central Political Bureau, the Secretariat, and the comrades of the State Council." [19] On the issue of correcting the party style, Comrade Chen Yun, Comrade Chen Yun, Proposal leading cadres, especially senior leading cadres, should do their best and make examples. He pointed out: "The key to correcting the party style is to improve the quality of party members. Long Qi is the quality of high -level party members and leading cadres." [20] When speaking at the party's national congress, he emphasized again The relatives and the staff around, "I hope that all the senior leaders of the party will bring the whole party for the whole party on the issue of educating their children. Never allow them to rely on relatives and make power and become special figures." [21] At that time, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection made suggestions that the children of leading cadres and their spouses business and enterprises were not allowed. Comrade Chen Yun's instructions: This incident "should make clear decisions to stop the issues of the central government for strictly prohibiting party and government organs and party and government cadres. It will be damaged, and the party style that has improved will also be affected, and the reform is difficult to carry out smoothly. " He also asked the relevant leaders to consider, "Whether the scope of the cadres who should withdraw can expand a little bit." [22] At that time, a letter from the masses came to report that some leading cadres were studying abroad, called "self -funded", which was sponsored by foreign businessmen. For such a letter, as long as he sees it, he always transferred to the relevant leaders, and attached a text message saying: This is not good, because we can't afford to "at their own expense" and advise them to let the children come back.

Comrade Chen Yun asked others like this, and he also asked himself. In 1983, after he saw that the teacher's school was difficult to reflect because of the low treatment of teachers, he said to me: "South South (referring to his second daughter Chen Weihua) graduated from the Normal University, and she will return to the team in the future. "I conveyed this to Chen Weihua, and she immediately said that she would resign from the work in the central state organs and return to her alma mater as a teacher. Later, she really went to a middle school as a historical teacher, and it was 20 years until retirement.

"To strengthen the education of the Communist Party members and consciously abide by the party's discipline education"

In 2015, at the seminar on the 110th anniversary of Comrade Chen Yun's birthday, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "We commemorate Comrade Chen Yun and we must learn his spirit of adhering to his faith." [23] I think that this evaluation tells the most prominent and vivid character of Comrade Chen Yun all of the character, and it is also the most impressive impression that Comrade Chen Yun left me all of them. Regardless of whether he is in a smooth situation or adversity, Comrade Chen Yun always adheres to his faith in Marxism and communism.

I remember that after I went to work with Comrade Chen Yun, I once talked about the point of view of individual comrades that "communism is far away." He immediately said: "This point of view is wrong. The first stage of communism. "This remark made me very deep, because" far away "and" remote life ", although there is only a word difference, but in terms of the attitude towards communism The boundary of the boundary also accurately divides the difference between the disappointment and disappointment.

In response to the issue of some people who asked our party overseas at that time, Comrade Chen Yun also said to me: "The name of the Communist Party shows her goal of struggle. Say: 'What is good? I think the Kuomintang's name is the best! Unfortunately, people have used it.' "

After the reform and opening up, some people went abroad for a few days. When they came back, they advocated that China was not as good as foreign countries, and socialism was not as good as capitalism. Comrade Chen Yun attaches great importance to this. He said: "For these people, we have to criticize education; comrades who do ideological work in it must mobilize their work after education." Before he was held in 1983, he was held in 1983. Before he was held in the Twelfth Plenary Session of the Twelfth Central Committee of the Party Instructed me to write "Long live socialism! Long live communism!" When I gave him a review of the proposed manuscripts, he added another sentence: "Capitalism must be by society. The replacement of doctrine is an irresistible rule. "[24]

In the early 1980s, the number of party members' corruption increased, and some people advocated that disciplinary inspection should focus on handling the case. When talking with the leaders of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Comrade Chen Yun made it clear: "Party organizations and party disciplinary inspection departments at all levels are only investigating and dealing with cases of illegal discipline. Education. "[25] He also repeatedly asked me to tell the leaders of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection:" The open policy is right, but the more open places, the more we need to strengthen political ideological work. . "At the sixth plenary session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in September 1985, he once again emphasized:" Open to the outside world, introduce foreign advanced technology and management experience, and use it for the construction of socialist construction in China. At the same time, it is necessary to see that opening to the outside world will inevitably have the invasion of capitalist decaying thoughts and style. This is a direct harm to our socialist cause. If party committees at all levels, our party members, especially old cadres, have this. Sober understanding, high degree of vigilance, and targeted education with communism ideas as the core, then the invasion of capitalist thought is not terrible. We believe that the truth of Marxism and communism will definitely defeat the rotten thoughts of capitalism. The erosion of work style. "He said that party committees at all levels" while grasping ideological and political work, serious party discipline, political discipline, and party style can improve at all. "[26] Because now some people, including some Communist Party members, forgot to forget that they have forgotten it. The ideal of socialism and communism has lost the purpose of serving the people. In order to private interest, they see everything to money, regardless of the interests of the country and the masses, and even violate the law. The role of weakening the ideological and political work department is related to authority and should be led to lessons. "[27] History has proven and will continue to prove that in order to complete the task of great rejuvenation, the Chinese nation must adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China and unswervingly follow China The road of socialism; and the Communist Party must bear its own responsibility of leadership, and must continue to strengthen the party's own construction and effectively govern the party. After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee inherited and promoted the party's fine tradition with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core. The problem of "managing the party's governance of the party, looseness, and softness in the new situation. ", Make a comprehensive and strict strategic deployment of the party, and incorporate it into the" four comprehensive "strategic layout, promote the party's governance of the party from loose and soft to strict and strict, and make our party rejuvenate. Make the majority of party members and the masses see hope again, and strengthen confidence in the future of the party and socialism. Now, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered the new era. Looking back at Comrade Chen Yun's claims and practice of grasping party style construction, it is to understand the various tests facing the party in the context of the new era, and implement it more seriously. A series of decisive spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on the discipline of Zhengfeng, more consciously resisting the erosion of the principle of commodity exchange on the life of the party. Under the leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, it is Development, further close the party's flesh and blood of the people, ensure the long -term stability of the party and the country, and keep the giant wheels of reform and opening up continuously moving along the correct way.

[1] "Chen Yun Chronicles (Revised Book)" Booli, Central Literature Publishing House, 2015, pp. 432-433.

[2] "Selection and Editor of the Third Plenary Session" (Part 1), People's Publishing House, 1982, p. 430.

[3] Volume 1 of Chen Yunwen, People's Publishing House 1995, p. 120.

[4] "Chen Yun Chronicles (Revised Book)" Booli, Central Literature Publishing House, 2015, p. 308.

[5] "Chen Yun Chronicles (Revised Book)" Booli, Central Literature Publishing House, 2015, p. 324.

[6] Volume 3 of "Chen Yunwen", People's Publishing House 1995 edition, p. 273.

[7] "Chen Yun Chronicles (Revised Book)" Booli, Central Literature Publishing House, 2015, p. 262.

[8] "Chen Yunwen Collection" Volume 3, Central Literature Publishing House 2005, p. 511.

[9] Volume 3 of "Chen Yunwen", People's Publishing House 1995, p. 274.

[10] "Chen Yunwen Collection" Volume 3, Central Literature Publishing House 2005 edition, pp. 511-512.

[11] Volume 3 of "Chen Yunwen", People's Publishing House, 1995, p. 332.

[12] Volume 3 of "Chen Yunwen", People's Publishing House 1995 edition, p. 275.

[13] Volume 3 of Chen Yunwen, People's Publishing House 1995, p. 348.

[14] Volume 3 of Chen Yunwen, People's Publishing House 1995 edition, pp. 273-274.

[15] "Chen Yun Chronicles (Revised Book)" Booli, Central Literature Publishing House, 2015, p. 334.

[16] "Chen Yun Chronicles (Revised Book)" Booli, Central Literature Publishing House, 2015, p. 346.

[17] Zhu Jiamu: "On Chen Yun", Central Literature Publishing House, 2010, p. 14.

[18] Volume 3 of Chen Yunwen, People's Publishing House 1995, p. 356.

[19] "Chen Yunwen Collection" Volume 3, Central Literature Publishing House 2005 edition, pp. 543-544. [20] Volume 3 of Chen Yunwen, People's Publishing House 1995, p. 363.

[21] Volume 3 of Chen Yunwen, People's Publishing House 1995 edition, p. 352.

[22] "Chen Yunwen Collection" Volume 3, Central Literature Publishing House, 2005, p. 543.

[23] Speech at the 110th anniversary of Comrade Chen Yun's birthday, "People's Daily" June 13, 2015.

[24] Volume 3 of Chen Yunwen, People's Publishing House 1995 edition, pp. 332-333.

[25] "Chen Yunwen Collection" Volume 3, Central Literature Publishing House, 2005, p. 541.

[26] Volume 3 of Chen Yunwen, People's Publishing House, 1995, p. 357.

[27] Volume 3 of Chen Yunwen, People's Publishing House 1995, p. 352.

Zhu Jiamu: The lecturer of the Chang'an Street Reading Club, the former vice president of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences



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