Washing your hair every day, or oil?How long is the best time to wash?It turns out that these years have been wrong ...

Author:Wuhan Evening News Time:2022.08.16

Washing your hair every day or greasy?

Why is this?

"Circular head" is actually the scalp

Hair oil, dandruff, less hair, less hair

In essence, there is a problem with scalp ↓↓↓

The scalp oil or dried depends on the sebaceous glands widely distributed in scalp. The sebaceous glands are affected by hormone levels in the body. Men, physiological or during pregnancy during development are most likely to have oil heads. The scalp out of oil and dryness may also appear at the same time, such as women's physiological period or endocrine disorders.

Washing your hair can solve the scalp problem

Q1: How often do you wash?

Oil: once a day in summer, 2 days in winter: 2 to 3 days of the year, neutral: once every 2 to 3 days of the year

Q2: When do you wash?

Casually, but be careful not to wipe your hair or sleep.

Q3: How to choose shampooing?

Oil: Choose an alkaline -containing washing agent: Do not choose the neutral of alkaline washing agent: containing nourishing and moisturizing function washing agent

Q4: How much degree of water temperature is appropriate?

It is recommended to choose below 40 ° C, which should be close to the body temperature.

Q5: What is the correct posture of shampooing?

Use your fingertips to "push" the scalp to avoid physical stimulation damage. The conditioner should be applied to the hair from 1 to 2 cm from the root of the hair to prevent the pores remaining in the scalp.

Q6: Is it better to dry or dry after washing your hair?

If the hair dryer is used after washing, when the temperature of the hot air is high, the water in the hair will boil and vaporize, produce bubbles in the hair, forming a foam -shaped hair, which will seriously damage the hair texture of the hair. When drying naturally, if you repeatedly sort out with a comb, it will be damaged to your hair.

The correct method is: if you want to dry naturally, you should use dry towels to dry the water of the hair and dry it naturally. Do not repeat it. If you use a hair dryer, first use a dry towel to dry the excess water, and then blow it to the eight -point drying.

(37 degrees 丨 Yangtze Health Rong Media Partial Data Reference: Science Popularization China, CCTV Life Circle Drawing: Ma Jingjing Culture: Gao Yang)

[Edit: Yu Lina]

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