August 17, 2022, the epidemic situation of Xin Crown Pneumonia in Guangdong Province

Author:Guangdong Sanitary Online Time:2022.08.17

At 0-24 on August 16th, there were 6 cases of new local diagnosis in the province (3 cases in Guangzhou, 1 case of Huizhou, 2 cases in Zhanjiang); 2 cases of new native symptoms (2 cases of Zhanjiang); another 3 Announcement of asymptomatic infection of the soil transfer to the diagnosed case (3 cases in Zhanjiang). There were 11 new overseas input confirmed cases in the province (6 cases in Guangzhou, 5 cases in Shenzhen); 15 cases of new overseas input non -symptoms (4 cases of Guangzhou, 5 cases in Shenzhen, 1 case of Zhuhai, 2 cases of Foshan, 2 cases in Huizhou 2 cases , 1 case of Dongguan); another three cases of input -free infection were infected with confirmed cases (1 case of each of Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Huizhou.

There are 18 cases of new hospitalization in the province (16 cases input overseas), and currently 404 cases (180 inputs overseas); 13 cases of new medical observation infections are added (9 cases of input overseas input). 140 infected people (86 cases were entered overseas).

As of 24:00 on August 16th, there were 17,844 cases of 17,844 cases of new crown pulmonary inflammatory infection (1,1547 cases were entered overseas), of which 8637 were confirmed (4708 inputs overseas), and 9207 cases of asymptomatic infected (6,839 cases were entered overseas). Essence

Edit | Editor Ren Junfei | Zhang Xiuli

Source | Guangdong Provincial Health and Health Commission

Produced by Guangdong Health Online All -Media Team

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