From 21:00 on August 16th to 9:00 on August 17th, two newly crown virus -positive infections were added in Yiwu City

Author:Voice of Zhejiang Time:2022.08.17

From 21:00 on August 16th to 9:00 on August 17, the Yiwu City reported two newly sieve positive personnel. After review, it was positive and was discovered by centralized isolation. It is now implementing the control measures such as control and disinfection of related places. Since the "8.2" epidemic, 689 cases of positive infections in the local new coronal virus have been reported in Yiwu City, of which 88 of the new coronary pneumonia were confirmed, and 601 cases of new coronary pneumonia were asymptomatic.

In view of the current situation of prevention and control of the epidemic, please have a district, city or city or high school risk zone, key places such as high -school and low risk areas outside the city, and the village (community) through the "Yiwu Epidemic Prevention" QR code or village (community) as soon as possible. declare. During the silent management of the city, the general public was requested to strictly implement the silent requirements, strengthen personal protection, and do not believe in rumors, rumors, and no rumors. Actively cooperate with the city's nucleic acid testing to ensure that the region "does not miss the households, and the households do not leak people." (Among them, home isolation medical observers and red code personnel, please report to the village in advance, and the professional and technical personnel will come to the door; the yellow code personnel will participate in the sampling through the sampling point "yellow code channel"; Waiting for the densely connected and sub -dense personnel of the isolation transfer shall be implemented in accordance with the notice required, and the door shall not be obtained to participate in the test). If it does not meet the above requirements to cause serious consequences, according to the "Infectious Disease Prevention Law", it will bear the corresponding legal liability.

Yiwu new coronary virus pneumonia epidemic situation

Council of the Command of Prevention and Control Work

August 17, 2022

(Voice of Zhejiang reporter Wang Xiaoliang, Ai Yiwu)

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