[Someone silently guards you] Sinking the cadre to hear the order, and strive to be the "epidemic" line "pioneer" ~

Author:Zero distance in the open area Time:2022.08.17

"Anti -epidemic assembly number" blows

In the past few days

Urumqi Economic and Technological Development Zone (Tutun River District)

Actively organize and mobilize 573 party members, cadres, and state -owned enterprises in the region

Sinking the front line to participate in the epidemic prevention and control work

The district is constantly emerging

The touching scene of "where is the lack of people rushing"

In the past few days, the sinking cadre quickly entered the "wartime" state, the charge was on the front line, and the battle was at the forefront. The first time they sinking communities, they all participated in the collection of residential nucleic acids, measurement of body temperature, buying medicines and sending medicines, duty, publicity and persuasion, and material distribution.

98 party members and cadres from the Economic Development Zone (head district) committee, the Education Bureau, and Medical Insurance Bureau came to Baishiqiao Community. The first time it was entered into 13 groups to participate in the epidemic prevention work.

"In the early morning of the 10th, I received a notice to the community to participate in the epidemic prevention work. Because the father -in -law was hospitalized, his lover was accompanied, and his 4 -year -old child had to take care of his neighbors to help. As the first batch of support cadres, my colleagues and I joined the Baishiqiao community. Among the epidemic prevention team. "Zhang Lu, a member of the Education Bureau of Economic Development Zone (head district), told reporters that after arriving in the community on the afternoon of August 10, she led 9 sinking cadres as the ninth group leader and went straight to the community No. 16 and 17 No. 35 Building carried out epidemic prevention work.

Zhang Lu

As a seal -and -control building, Zhang Lu pays special attention to the needs of the residents, buying medicines for medical treatment, nucleic acid testing, and material distribution. As long as it is the needs of residents, they will try their best to help solve it. It is often facing the dew, sleeping with the stars. "Zhang Lu's serious responsibility everyone sees it in the eyes. We have also done it seriously in the work. She is also at ease in us and has confidence to defeat the epidemic together." Liu Rui said.

Yu Duo

Yu Duozheng is a party member of the Economic Development Zone (head district) Education Bureau. This epidemic is insisting on the Times Orange Fort District of the West Lake Community. The 132 residents of the building performed nucleic acid testing, body temperature measurement, and delivery of daily necessities in the morning and evening. Often, their protective clothing has been soaked in sweat, and often missed the time of eating when they are busy. Yu Duozhen told reporters: "As party members and cadres, we should take the lead in charge, and even if they are tired and tired, we will persist to the end. The residents of the residents will be more motivated to thank us."

Li Miao Miao

Li Miao Miao, a cadre of the Economic Development Zone (Head District) Government Service Administration, is one of the 73 cadres of the 73 organs in the sinking volcanic community. After arriving at the point on August 11, the community was rushing to the first round of nucleic acid testing in the community. The second batch of 30 cadres who came to support together immediately put down their luggage and participated in the on -site order maintenance, propaganda guidance and other tasks. Li Miao Miao also quickly put into work.

There are more than 17,000 residents in the volcanic South community, but the staff are seriously inadequate. The 7 units of 47, 48, and 49 are divided into Li Miao Miao. There are many, so many demands, thanks to resident volunteers and 20 elder brothers of the 20 military volunteer service teams cooperate with us to fight together to solve the needs of residents one after another. "

"The epidemic is command, prevention and control is responsibility"

One order

The party members and cadres of the Economic Development Zone (head area) should bear the heavy responsibility

Shuttle on the front line

Guard the side of peace with sweat

They are on the battlefield without smoke

A praised ordinary angel

(Text/Yang Ziyue Picture/Provided by the respondent)

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