Women's clothing does not stop her body into the restaurant and leaves, and the local women's federation intervenes to find

Author:Pole news Time:2022.08.17

Jimu Journalist Xiao Mingyuan Zhang Qi

On the evening of August 14th, a woman in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, was suspected of being abnormal. She walked into the restaurant without putting on her clothes. The female shop owner took her to the corner to take out her clothes and put it on. On August 17, the local women's federation responded that the community of the incident had been in contact with the trace of the woman.

On the morning of the 17th, Ms. Jiang told Jimu Journalist that she opened a pommelus shop near Green Water Road, Erqi District, Zhengzhou City. At about 9 pm on August 14, a woman entered the store. She approached and saw that the woman had incomplete clothes on her waist, but she couldn't put it on, and her upper body was exposed. So Ms. Jiang brought the woman to the corner, took her husband's sunscreen clothes to the woman, and gave her a bottle of water. Later, the woman sat at the door of the store. Because the shop was busy in the store, Ms. Jiang did not have time to call the police, and she did not notice when the woman left.

The surveillance video showed that when the woman entered the store, there was only one table of diners on the first floor. Some male diners didn't pay much attention after looking at her at a glance. Then the staff in the store quickly helped the woman wear clothes.

Video screenshot

Ms. Jiang told reporters that the woman looked in her twenties, with a single eyelid, her appearance, her face. When she talked to a woman, she felt that there may be spiritual problems, and she hoped that the relevant local departments could find the woman as soon as possible.

There was a shop owner near Ms. Jiang's restaurant that she saw the woman on the evening of the 14th, but she didn't know where she was going, and she had never seen goodbye since then.

On the morning of August 17, the staff of the Women's Federation of the Erqi District stated that they were paying attention to the situation of women and had contacted the community to find the trace of women.

The person who belonged to the place of the incident and the Secretary of the Malaysia, the apricot of Lu Street, told reporters that they had noticed this situation. After investigating with the community police, they found that she was not a person in the community and was still paying attention to its whereabouts.

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