After finding my sister in the heavy rain, I will find my brother, and the police will help the seventy sisters and siblings for a wave.

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.06.18

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan client June 17 (Intern reporter Fan Youhan reporter Sun Xiaotian) Recently, Mr. Zhang, a citizen over the age of seventies, logged in to Wuhan City Message Board and wrote a letter of thanks. On June 12, his sister came from other places and got off at Wuchang Railway Station. Because they were not familiar with the station, Mr. Zhang Lao, who came to pick up, could not find each other. See each other. Fortunately, the police station in front of the Wuchang Public Security Branch Station was helped by the police station to be reunited.

Mr. Zhang introduced that on the 12th, his sister took a train to visit relatives from Wuhan in Anhui and got off at Wuchang Station at 15:20. He rushed to Wuchang Station to pick up the station in advance, but after the train arrived, the two failed to meet. They repeatedly communicated on the phone and could not find each other.

At this time, Mr. Zhang's nephew, Mr. Yu, estimated that his mother should have arrived, but he was a little worried that he did not receive the mother or uncle's reinforcement call. He contacted his uncle and learned that the second old man hadn't met, anxious.

There were heavy rain that day, and there were many people in Wuchang Railway Station. The three people repeatedly called to communicate and tried their best to toss for 2 hours. The two elderly people still failed to meet. At this time, Mr. Yu was worried that the second old man was tired, and the rain would cause discomfort, and he helplessly called the police for help.

At that time, Wu Hongxing, a police officer in front of the Wuchang Public Security Branch Station, was on duty. After receiving the police, he immediately set off, but the process of finding people was twists and turns. The information provided by Mr. Yu is only the color of the elderly's clothes, and the old man is not good at using smartphones. When you communicate, you often have unintentionally hang up when you communicate. She is not listening to it and it is difficult to communicate effectively. In the end, Wu Hongxing could only find people through the information of "top of the top".

"When we were looking for someone, we also made a little oolong. We drove around the Wuchang Railway Station and asked the old man who saw the red top. Later, I felt that this would not work. Will answer the phone. "Wu Hongxing said. After many trials, they finally found Mr. Zhang's sister.

After that, Wu Hongxing embarked on the journey to find Mr. Zhang. Fortunately, the elderly can describe the surrounding buildings, and Wu Hongxing, who is very familiar with the terrain near the railway station, quickly received people. At this time, 3 hours have passed from my sister to the station, and the two sisters finally met.

After the second old reunion, Mr. Yu's heart had finally fell. He wanted to send a brocade flag to express his gratitude, but it was inconvenient to be in the field. Mr. Zhang went to the city's message board to write down the thank you letter.

【Edit: Zheng Xiaoxiao】

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