130,000 people watch!Shenzhen Longgang Live Belt Belt "Post"

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.06.18

In order to comprehensively implement the Central Economic Work Conference and the State Council's requirements for stabilizing the economic market and the requirements of the employment conference, the Human Resources Bureau of the Longgang District of Shenzhen quickly responded to the employment needs of enterprises in the zone, and launched the "High -tech Enterprise Specialty" live broadcast activities on June 17 Provide 450 posts and attract 130,000 people onlookers. The event is the second live broadcast of the "Hundred Days of Special Action" organized by the Human Resources Bureau of Longgang District after May 26.

"High -tech Enterprise Special" live broadcast and post -post event site

Before the event, the bureau connected the enterprise to sort out the list of posts, and at the same time widely publicized to all sectors of the society, effectively opened up "needs" and "demand" between enterprises and job seekers, and achieved smooth supply and demand information as much as possible. In response to job demand, salary, corporate culture, development prospects such as job seekers' concern, and other enterprises such as job seekers, such as the company and other enterprises, they can intuitively display the overview of enterprises and posts, so that job seekers can see the "immersive recruitment" service of the cloud. "I was very excited when I received an invitation call from the Human Resources Bureau of the District. I especially thanked the Longgang District Government for their concern for Ha Nengda and helped the company solve the urgent urgent need!" Shenzhen Ha Nengda Communication Co., Ltd. HR said in the live broadcast.

It is understood that in the face of the test of the prevention and control of the normalized epidemic and the changes in the employment situation, in order to achieve more intuitive and efficiently to achieve adaptation of human work, this year, the Human Resources Bureau of Longgang District has held 61 job fairs in a timely manner, of which the Internet There are 52 video recruitment activities, more than 8,000 serving companies, more than 50,000 recruitment positions, 70 online recruitment information, and providing 4076666666 service list; innovation and establishing a "help enterprise recruitment" service list, establishing "Longgang District key enterprise labor services "Using the bank" can provide nearly 60,000 labor workers.

Next, the District Human Resources Bureau will continue to work hard, open up ideas, increase the needs of employment in service enterprises, and provide "online+offline" diversified and peak -type recruitment services for different employment groups to break the "workers difficulty in applying for job hunting. The phenomenon of recruitment of enterprises "is trying to provide comprehensive and multi -level employment services for enterprises and job seekers. (Li Wei Ye Jiajun)

Source | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng School

Responsible editor | Zhang Degang

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