Emergency Management Department: In July, various natural disasters caused a total of 16.92 million people.

Author:Cover news Time:2022.08.17

Cover Journalist Di Rui, a trainee reporter Feng Rui

On August 17, Shen Zhanli, a spokesman for the emergency management department and director of the Journalism Department, introduced at the routine press conference of the Emergency Management Department that in July this year, various natural disasters caused a total of 16.92 million people. 90 people lost 28.59 billion yuan in direct economic losses.

Shin Zhanli, a spokesman for emergency management department and director of the Department of News Propaganda: China Net

Shen Zhanli said that in July, my country's natural disasters were mainly floods and hails. Droughts, typhoons, earthquakes, geological disasters, and forest fires also occurred to varying degrees.

In July, natural disasters in the country mainly showed the following characteristics. First, the flood disasters were issued north and south. Liaoning and Sichuan borders were severely lost. Second, a total of 10 strong convection weather in the country has more than the same period than the same year. The third is that the number of typhoons is small. The typhoon "Siaba" is the first typhoon to land in my country this year. Fourth, the number of high temperature days is more than the same period of the same year. Staged drought in Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan and other places. Fifth, a total of 2 earthquakes above 5.0 or more occurred in mainland China, which did not cause casualties.

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