Promote the normalization of pollution control

Author:Nanyang Daily Time:2022.08.17

On August 15, Deputy Mayor Bai Hongchao made arrangements for the next step of pollution prevention.

Bai Hongchao pointed out that in the near future, the city's air pollution prevention and control has achieved obvious results and has been highly evaluated by the Provincial Rings Commission.We must adhere to the unchanged direction and the intensity, and promote the environmental quality of the city to reach a new level; we must resolutely carry the political responsibility of ecological environmental protection, keep an eye on the feedback of the central environmental protection inspector, and take advantage of it., Ensure that the problem is completely rectified and the number is sold on schedule; it is necessary to vigorously promote precision pollution control, scientific pollution control, pollution in accordance with the law, and iron fist control, improve the normal and long -term system and mechanism, and resolutely prevent the problem of rebounding.

All media reporter Cai Danqing

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