The renamed 7 roads in the central urban area of Nanyang has aroused heated discussion among citizens

Author:Nanyang Daily Time:2022.08.17

A few days ago, the news about 7 roads in the urban area of ​​our city has attracted the attention of many citizens. What principles do road names and renames follow? What is the significance and purpose of road names and renames ... In response to the concerns of everyone, the reporter interviewed relevant personnel of the Civil Affairs Bureau.


The road renames citizens hot discussion

The new renamed roads are: Yuanzhong Road renamed "Zhongjing Avenue", from the north to the southwater to north -north -north -north -north -north -north -south process of middle line, to the Zhongjing Bridge in the south; The road, south to the Ningxi Railway; the original Guangwu Road and Ding dismissed the unified renamed "Guangwu Avenue", from the west of the southwater to the northwater, the middle line of the middle line, the east to Nanyang East Station; , To the east to Binhe Avenue; the former Zhongzhou Road was renamed "Zhongzhou Avenue", the general channel of the middle line of the southwater and northwater of the south, and the east to Zhongjing Avenue; To the east to Binhe Avenue; the original West Ring Road was renamed "Yanhe Avenue" (northern section), from Guangwu Avenue in the north, and south to Binhe Avenue.

"After changing the name, I felt that the road was wider." "There are more road names with local humanities." ... For some roads in the central urban area, many netizens have expressed support. Some netizens have put forward suggestions such as "the original Wudi Road, the Tianuan Avenue can be renamed to Wudi Road uniformly".

During the interview, the naming and rename of the road, Mr. Zhao, said that because of business, he traveled all the way in many cities across the country. "The name of the road is the marking symbol of a city. Whether it is named after Zhongjing, Zhang Heng, Guangwu, or a new road name that appears in the future, I believe it will be convenient to remember, reflect the characteristics of Nanyang, and let people feel the historical and cultural city. Features and tastes. "

"This time, the city has renamed the 7 roads in the central city, and strictly follows the principle of" unified title, one way one, the same size, and the rules and regulations. "The relevant person in charge of the Civil Affairs Bureau introduced in recent years. The pace of urban construction in the city is accelerating, and some original road names can no longer reflect the development of the city well. Since the beginning of this year, according to the requirements of the municipal party committee and municipal government, the civic affairs bureau has promptly launched some road names in the central urban area to change the name work to better give full play to the role of place names to improve social governance, promote economic development, promote excellent traditional culture, and adapt to our city The needs of political, economic, and cultural development.


Road naming is more distinctive

In order to further strengthen the management of place names, enrich the cultural connotation of our city, enhance the city's taste, and accelerate the construction of the province's deputy center cities. The exterior roads are divided into 8 sections, and the sections are named clearly themes and highlighting characteristics.

"Dragon" culture, Three Kingdoms Cultural Section

With Wolonggang as the center, radiating the surrounding areas, that is, the west of Industrial South Road and the west of Binhe Avenue, and south of Zhongzhou Avenue. The road is named with the theme of "Dragon" culture and the Three Kingdoms culture, taking into account the elements of university culture. For example: named after keywords such as Longxing, Sangu, and College.

Han culture, accompany capital culture sector

Centered on Guangwu Street, radiating the surrounding areas, that is, the west of the North Road and north of Zhongzhou Avenue. The road is named Nanyang Han culture, accompanying capital culture, and celebrities and famous events in the historical period of the Han Dynasty, taking into account the elements of the photoelectric industry and the Wolong Comprehensive Bonded Area. For example: Named keywords such as East Han, Liu Xiu, Optoelectronics and other keywords.

Koko Technology sector

Centered on the high -tech development zone, radiating the surrounding areas, that is, north of Zhangheng Avenue, west of Binhe Avenue, and east of Renmin North Road. The road is named with the theme of Zhangheng Culture and the science and technology industry, taking into account Dushan Jade Culture and Huangshan Site Culture Elements. For example: named after keywords such as Ke Sheng, Dugu, Huangshan.

Old town, traditional Chinese medicine sector

Centered on the Nanyang Prefecture, radiating the surrounding areas, that is, east of Industrial Road, south of Zhang Heng Avenue, and north of Binhe Avenue, and west. The road is named Nanyang's development history, government culture and traditional culture, and takes into account Zhongjing and Chinese medicine culture elements. For example: keywords such as Yifu, medicine capital, dogwood and other keywords.

New area section

Centers for urban and rural integration demonstration areas, and radiate the surrounding areas, that is, east of Huaiyuan Road, east of Baihe Avenue. The road is named with the theme of famous mountains and famous water, taking into account modern transportation elements. For example: named after Baotianman, Dabie Mountain, Danjiang, Turcule and other keywords related to landscapes.


Centered on the Nanyang Industrial Zone, radiating the surrounding areas, namely south of Xuefeng Road, east of Nanxin Road, and west of Nan Tang Road. The road named Nanyang Industrial Development and well -known enterprises and well -known products in the region as the theme, taking into account petrochemical elements. For example: named after keywords such as Pengcheng, Changsheng, and Chemical.

Shang Jia, Wharf Logistics Plate

Centered on the planned re -navigation terminal, radiating the surrounding areas, that is, south of Baihe Avenue, east and west of Huaiyuan Road, and south (outside the industrial sector). The road is named for dock culture, Shangsheng culture, and Nanyang specialty. For example: named after keywords such as Shangsheng, Magnolia, and returning.

Baihe Landscape Band Plate

With the Baihe River as the center, radiating the surrounding areas, the cross -strait area of ​​the central area of ​​Baihe. The road named is litting the Baihe River and praising Nanyang as the theme, taking into account the 10 inland elements that meet with the Baihe River. For example: named after the keywords such as integration, warm cool, Meixi and other keywords.

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