Man · Discussion | "Grass" behavior urgently needs to be restrained

Author:Intersection Time:2022.08.17

In the past two days, several abandoned minerals in Zhejiang Fangde.Because there are big V bloggers who praised it on Xiaohongshu, "Escape from the heat and explore the summer selection of the underground world" "The fog is heavy, it is like walking into the real version of the grave robbers", scaring the local village committee to quickly organize the organizationThe personnel closed the entrance to prevent unexpectedly.

Chengdu Pengzhou Shanhong accident caused 7 deaths and 8 injuries, and the tragedy was still in his ears. Some bloggers came out of the so -called summer resort.You know, the abandoned minerals are located in remote and complex geological conditions, which can easily lead to accidents. The irresponsible "grass" is easily brought about hidden safety hazards and even caused painful consequences.Related platforms should strengthen content supervision, issue risk warnings in a timely manner, and communicate with punching places to prevent the tragedy from re -occurring.

Text/Hu Botu/Cao Yi

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