President of Henan Vocational and Technical College led a team to Luoyang and other local vocational education group companies to visit enterprises

Author:Henan High Education Time:2022.08.17

On the morning of August 9th, Wang Wei, president of Henan Vocational and Technical College, and his party came to Henan Province Installation Group Co., Ltd., and the company vice president Wang Zhixiang, etc., established a regular interoperability mechanism to jointly revise the talent training plan, cooperate with the Luban workshop, etc. The matters reached a consensus and invited the company to join Henan's electromechanical equipment and automation vocational education groups to achieve resource sharing and platform construction. Subsequently, on behalf of the school and Wang Pingfu, Qu Baozhong signed a cooperation agreement for the school -enterprise cooperation graduate employment base and the construction of an innovation system.

On the afternoon of August 9th, Wang Wei and his party accompanied by Wei Conggang, deputy director of the Luoyang Military -civilian Integration Office, came to Henan Diesel Engine Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. and CITIC Heavy Industry Machinery Co., Ltd. Yang Changliang, the director of the Ministry of Human Resources, discussed the specific matters of the innovative school -enterprise cooperation model. The two parties stated that they would give full play to the advantages of resources, jointly develop teaching materials, build a team, and develop personalized customized skills re -training system to reduce corporate labor costs. Finally, the two parties signed an employment base agreement and a school -enterprise cooperation agreement.

On the morning of August 10, Wang Wei, Wei Conggang and his party came to military industry units such as the 7th and 2th Five -Year Institute of China Shipbuilding Group Co., Ltd., and Luoyang Electric Electric Equipment Research Institute of China Aviation Industry Corporation. Accompanied by the deputy director Song Fuchang and the deputy director Yuan Peng, etc., he visited the research hall and museum. Wang Wei said that our school has sufficient resources and advantages to create a dual -teacher talent training exchange training platform. Deepen the innovative cooperation model, and in response to the needs of optical processing skills, it is said that special discussions must be organized, the military optoelectronics major is bigger and stronger, and a talent support for military enterprises will be provided.

On the afternoon of August 10th, Wang Wei, Wei Conggang and his party, and Hao Zhifeng, Secretary of the Human Resources Department of the China Airmade Research Institute, Lu Yanqiu, general manager of AVIC Kaimai (Shanghai) Infrastructure Co., Ltd., Liang Guowei, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of AVIC Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. A discussion was conducted. The two parties conducted discussions on the ideological concepts, professional restrictions, and retained use of the employment thinking of graduates, discussed the establishment of order classes, integrated into the corporate culture in the course, and jointly carried out the skills training of employees in the job. Realize mutual benefit and win -win.

On the morning of August 11, President Wang Wei and his party entered Henan Zhongyuan Special Steel Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. to discuss with the company's general manager Ma Qiang and other aspects of talent needs and employment security. Talent guarantee, jointly build a platform for scientific and technological innovation and talent training to promote greater development of enterprises.

On the afternoon of August 11, President Wang Wei and his party walked into Henan Province Qianqiang Chemical Technology Group Co., Ltd. Peng Li, chairman of the group, pointed out that the two parties have been working for a long time. Now the school is developing rapidly. It is hoped that the long -term win -win cooperation model is hoped to establish a long -term win -win cooperation model. Wang Wei said that the school and forward friendship are deep. At present, they are actively exploring vocational undergraduate education. The next step will increase the intensity of directional training, production and education integration, innovate the training model of talent talents, and further improve the education mechanism. Later, I visited the Full Automated Production Workshop and Employee Training Center of the Promoting Chemical Industry, and conducted a cordial exchanges with our outstanding alumni Zhang Haibo and Wang Can.

On the morning of August 12, President Wang Wei and his party came to Henan Plain Optoelectronics Co., Ltd., accompanied by the company's party committee secretary and chairman Guo Haixing, etc., accompanied by the production workshop and the "Pingguang Memory" museum. The two sides communicated in depth on the joint construction training base. Wang Wei said that it is necessary to put the enterprise in schools and schools in enterprises to truly integrate production and education.

Through visiting, deepen visiting enterprises, promote the integration of production and education, promote further in -depth cooperation between schools and enterprises, and actively explore the practice of the construction and development of "undergraduate education undergraduate" with military industry characteristics.

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