Leading party building, gathering multiple forces, and making every effort to promote the process of community grassroots governance process

Author:Shanghai Baoshan Time:2022.08.17

In order to continue to improve the level of social governance to lead the grass -roots level of party building, since this year, Yushan District Youyi Road Street aims to do real party building, live governance, and excel services. The diverse co -governance "community governance actions, tighten the" main axis "of grass -roots governance, gather diversified forces such as working party members, pair party organizations, and social organizations, and make every effort to build a" friendly "happy community with co -construction and sharing.

"Party building+pairing co -governance"

Create grassroots governance "concentric circles"

The Party Working Committee of Youyi Road Street, Baoshan District focuses on promoting the coordination of the bar, and takes the opportunity of the "pair governance" operation of the party building as the opportunity to actively explore and deepen the party organizations and units of more than 140 households and institutions and institutions in the 39 home village party organizations and regions. The establishment of the Communist Party and the interconnection interaction, by signing the couples of the co -governance mission, the formulation of more than 500 practical co -governance projects, and continued to improve the long -term mechanism of "I do practical things for the masses", and build a community of grass -roots party building communities with upward and horizontal collaborative urban grassroots.

67 district-level organs party organizations and residential districts in the district organized the theme party day activities and epidemic prevention pairs of the theme party day activities such as celebrating the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the 12th party congress of the city. The party building and the unit develop a healthy interaction; 23 education system party organizations use the "community-school" to co-build the community cultural construction, and to create a co-construction of mutual assistance, innovation, and platform-type by sending resources, sending publicity, and sending activities. New pattern; 51 corporate party organizations and units can help grass-roots epidemics to prevent and control the normal long effect by helping the grassroots epidemic through service, assistance, and supplies.

"Party building+negotiation negotiation"

Construction of grass -roots governance "multi -platform"

The "two representatives and one member" contact the community work mechanism as an important part of the modernization level of the grass -roots governance system and governance capacity, and actively build a vector of grass -roots social governance with a variety of co -governance and linkage with each other.

From June to July, the Working Committee of the People's Congress of the People's Congress and CPPCC member workstation of the Yushan District of Baoshan District organized a one -month -old representative of the National People's Congress to concentrate on community activities and online special consultation meetings. "Old and old far away", and the opinions and suggestions of the grass -roots social governance work in the epidemic prevention and control, we can communicate around the issue of "how to play the role of the industrial committee of the residential community", which has effectively promoted the process of community grassroots governance.

In addition, the street continues to promote the "1+3+X" governance system that leads the party to lead the "three driving carriages" to build a convenient and discussions platform to talk about the "community of community governance". In various contradictions and problems, problems such as multi -layer elevators, new charging piles, and property management of the normalized epidemic prevention and control mechanism of residential districts in the street have been promoted.

"Party building+multi -force"

Activating grassroots governance "micro cells"

With community party organizations as the core, focus on building a "N -bit" linkage mechanism such as building a strong community, registering party organizations, registering party members, volunteers of community, and residents to build a diverse team power to create a community of communities in the governance of the community.

In the normalized epidemic prevention and control work, based on the principles of co -residence, co -integration, co -construction, co -governance, and sharing, the Street Party Committee continues to grasp the "street community whistle, party organizations and party members' dual reports", and the organization promotes the organization to promote All members of the sub -districts, social organizations, community properties, volunteers and other forces have sank to 38 community grids, combined with the characteristics of party organizations and volunteers' personal specialties to reasonably determine each volunteer, and effectively solve the community's defense defense. Real difficulties in control. Relying on the red platform of the Party and Mass Service Center, the community is used as the main position of volunteer service, set up a community volunteer service platform, and has extensively carried out various volunteer service activities such as "resistance to epidemic, volunteer and concentric", "civilization, health, you and me". Realize the good atmosphere of party building leadership, volunteer services, and co -governance, and comprehensively activate volunteers' role in promoting the governance of the city at the grassroots level.

"Party Building+Three Club Links"

Empower the "new wisdom" of grassroots governance

On the basis of the introduction of community planners and community gardeners to participate in the community micro -renewal micro -transformation is beneficial to exploration, the streets continue to strengthen the leadership of party building, explore the "three -community linkage" mechanism of community, social organizations, and community workers. The public welfare social organization project promotion meeting, the residential areas combined with the party organization to serve the masses' special funding plan and the 11 social public welfare organizations on the theme party building, cultural education, knowledge science, youth services, community micro -update micro -transformation, etc. Service, targeted commission, project operation and other methods, social organizations enter the community immersive companion growth and full -process project management, and transform the professional social work methods and concepts of social organizations into the strong effectiveness of community governance innovation and social workers. Governing a benign interaction mechanism, realizing resource sharing, activities co -operation, demand gang, and problem -solving. At present, eight social organizations have reached project negotiation and signing intentions with the residential area in accordance with the actual and needs of the community. "New" vitality.

Source: Shanghai Baoshan official WeChat

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