Learning party history to do practical things | Party building integration to do practical things, Ciming body to warm people's hearts

Author:Garden meritorious media Time:2022.08.17

In order to further build a new pattern of party building leadership, resource sharing, complementary advantages, and co -construction, the community party branch and Ci Ming medical examination center at No. 17, Zhichun Road, Huiyuan Road Street will work together to carry out " I do practical things for the masses -free medical examinations for party building and co -construction.

At 7:30 in the morning, residents entered the medical examination center one after another after completing the health scanning and flow information. Under the guidance of community staff and nurses, internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, ophthalmology, dental, ECG, bone density , DR, arteriosclerosis testing, abdominal B -ultrasound, hepatobilia, spleen, pancreatic kidney, blood testing, kidney skills, empty blood sugar and other items for free examination.

The object of this event is mainly difficult groups such as the elderly and sick elderly people in the jurisdiction, as well as community volunteers. Popularize medical health knowledge, let them understand their health in time, send love and care for the people who need help, and let the residents of the district be truly affordable.

In the next step, the community of Zhichun Road No. 17 will make the "co -construction" through the establishment of the party building characteristic services to truly "move" and "jointly" the party organizations in the units in the area. Interconnected, coordinated and linking, gathered the heart of the party, won the hearts of the people, aimed at building a service -oriented party organization, integrated regional party building resources, explored the new model of two -way joint service residents in the district units and communities. Improve it again, truly give back to the residents, provide high -quality and personalized services for the residents of the district, and promote the long -term development of community work.

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