The digital economy has stable growth key forces Guangdong builds a digital economy development highland

Author:Golden sheep net Time:2022.08.18

Photo/Visual China

Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporter Shen Zhao

At the Southern Power Grid, based on the powerful computing power of the cloud, the calculation time of the security school nuclear functional work of Southern Power Grid has been shortened from the past 1 hour to 10 minutes; in Xiaopeng Automobile, the infrastructure on the cloud allows the coordinated research and development of connected car technology on the cloud. The efficiency has increased by more than 40%; in the perfect diary, the database product has increased its system throughput by 50 times compared to half a year ago ... In the digital economy growth value for 5 consecutive years, the above -mentioned scene has been infiltrated into national production. Among the areas.

Push digital industrialization and digital industrialization

With the accelerated innovation of the Internet, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain and other technologies, the rapid development of the digital economy, the wide range of radiation, and the degree of influence are unprecedented. Since the beginning of this year, various places have accelerated the implementation of the "Fourteen Five -Year Plan" digital economy planning. According to incomplete statistics, 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) have released the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" related to the digital economy and various action plans.

Among them, Guangdong even relying on its comprehensive advantages in technology, economy and talent, and comprehensively deployed digital technology, digital industries, digital transformation, and data elements to create a global highland with global influence. In July of this year, Guangdong Province released the first guidelines for promoting the development of the digital economy, "Guidelines for the Development of Digital Economic Development 1.0" (hereinafter referred to as "Guidelines"). The "Guidelines" proposes the "2221" overall framework of the future development of Guangdong's digital economy, that is, the two major cores of digital industrialization and industrial digitalization, with data resources and digital technology as the two major elements, with core basic digital products and new digital foundations The facilities are the two foundations, and the support system of digital government reform and service support system is used as a guarantee.

The toughness of the development of the digital economy in Guangdong

Wan Shuping, Director of the Digital Industry Department of the Industrial and Information Department of Guangdong Province, said: "The digital economy has become a new kinetic energy, new engine and main position that leads the high -quality development of Guangdong's economy." Report (2022), a new breakthrough in my country's digital economy development in 2021, the size of the digital economy reached 45.5 trillion yuan, a year -on -year increase of 16.2%, which is higher than the nominal growth rate of the GDP 3.4 percentage points, accounting for 39.8%of the GDP. The role of the digital economy as the "stabilizer" and "accelerator" of the national economy is even more prominent.

Compared with traditional industries, the digital economy has new features in infrastructure, production factors, production and service methods, which not only shows unique technical attributes, but also includes the form of a new economy. In these areas, Guangdong even tried first. In October 2021, Guangdong Province issued the first public data asset voucher in the country. By obtaining enterprise electricity data, it is quickly portrait for small and medium and micro enterprises, and then conducts credit quota review, loan interest rates, and post -loan risk control supervision to effectively solve corporate financing problems. It provides advanced experience for exploring the value of data assets.

Taking the hot emerging industry blockchain in recent years as an example, public reports show that as of the end of 2021, there were 39,643 blockchain -related companies in Guangzhou and Shenzhen. In 2021, there were 3,282 blockchain -related invention patent applications, accounting for 31%of the country. The rapid development of the industry is inseparable from policy support. In 2021, there were 106 blockchain -related policies issued in the 9 cities in the Greater Bay Area, far more than other provinces and cities and regions across the country.

Since July, the economic development transcripts have been released in the first half of the year. With the national outbreak of regional excessive distribution and increasing economic downward pressure, Guangdong still maintains GDP growth by 2%year -on -year. Some opinion believes that this means that the toughness and leading advantages of the digital economy development, and the digital economy has become a key force to promote the growth of economic stability.


In 2021, the size of the digital economy in Guangdong reached 5.9 trillion yuan, ranking first in the country for 5 consecutive years. Among them First; 5G base stations, number of optical fiber users, 4K TV output, etc. are among the forefront of the country.

At present, the added value of Guangdong's digital economy accounts for 47.5%of GDP. The digital economy has become a new momentum, new engine and main position that leads the high -quality development of Guangdong's economy.

Expert Reviews

Guangdong's industrial digitalization is expected to continue to lead the country

Zhang Yi, CEO and chief analyst of Ai Media Consultation, believes that in terms of digital industrialization, Guangdong has become a strong Internet province in China for 20 years. In the respect, despite the nation's same starting lines, Guangdong's overall industrial concentration, large scale, and good foundation are expected to continue to lead the country under the inspiration of policy. In addition, in terms of emerging formats, the Guangdong's industrial chain has a complete layout, more application scenarios, concentrated talents, and high degree of opening up. This is a favorable condition for Guangdong's developing digital economy emerging formats.

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