Check the 63 -hour monitoring and capture the suspect's police to cracked the crowd of the car door theft

Author:Liaocheng Daily Time:2022.08.18

The police officer of the Huxi Police Station took over from Ms. Liu

The newspaper (text/picture reporter Hou Shasha) On the morning of August 15th, a guest from the Huxi Police Station of the Liaocheng Public Security Bureau's Holiday Bureau -Ms. Liu from Jinlong Yixinyuan Community, Huxi Street, Huxi Street, who lived in the resort. Ms. Liu handed the flag of "breaking the case quickly for the people" to hand in the hands of the police prince, and said excitedly: "I didn't expect to solve the case so soon, thank you for your hard work!"

Things have to start with a week ago: On the morning of August 8th, Ms. Liu found that the 5,400 yuan in cash in her car was stolen and then called the police. Ms. Liu recalled that at 18:00 on August 5, she stopped the car in the underground garage and forgot to lock the car.

After receiving the police, Wang Zidong and his colleagues surveyed the scene and watched the 63 -hour theft scene and surrounding surveillance videos. Kung Fu is worthy of the people. At 17:00 on the 8th, they locked the case as a four -person man in the crime. Subsequently, the police followed up and investigated and visited to determine the action trajectory of the criminal gang.

The trajectory of the criminal gang is as follows: 0:50 on the 8th, 4 people walked into the underground garage of the community, and randomly pulled the car door to touch the luck; 1:10, stole cash; 1:28, out of the community; 1:43 at 1:43; 1:43 Take a taxi to a convenience store in the city area to buy snacks. Subsequently, the vehicle drove to Zibo City from Li Haiwu's toll station; in front of a hotel in Boshan District, Zibo City, the criminal suspect got off the bus.

When the four criminal suspects were in Zibo, the hour hand had pointed at 20:00 on August 9. The police situation is the order. The criminal investigation brigade and the police station of the Huxi Police Station formed a task force to go to Zibo for arrest.

After arriving in Zibo, the arrest operation was not smooth. Zhang Xin, the police officer of the Huxi Police Station, recalled: "After we arrived in Zibo in the middle of the night, we did not find people in the hotel where the suspect got off the bus. We immediately contacted the local police station and carried out online search. Discover the suspect, the clues are broken. "

Considering the criminal suspects have been using cash consumption, without the market, the police found the suspects in the squares, Internet cafes, billiard halls, chess and card rooms near the hotel through the methods of queuing visits, secret squatting. Finally, at 17:00 on the 10th, the police found four criminal suspects in a billiard hall and confirmed their identity.

From 9 o'clock on August 8th to the police to catch the suspect on the afternoon of August 10, the police only took more than two days. Especially in the arrest operation, the police did not sleep all day and night. When the procedures such as inquiry, delivery are over, it is late at night. The police informed Ms. Liu that the suspect had been arrested and the stolen money had been recovered.

It is understood that the members of the criminal gang are minors, the oldest hemp, born on September 6, 2006. Although Mo Mou was less than 16 years old, he had 13 previous subjects.

In response to these four criminal suspects are all minors, Wang Zidong responded: "These four children enter the society after graduating from junior high school. Children of this age are in adolescence, the outlook on life and values ​​have not yet been shaped, and parents Leading guidance and control, leading the child to the road of crime. During the handling of the case, we also urged their parents to strengthen their discipline care, enhance communication with their children, and be responsible for children. "

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