Sanxiang Shi Jian 丨 Cultivate the rural culture in the countryside in the county

Author:Hunan Daily Time:2022.08.18

Cultivate rural culture in the county

——The four reviews of rural culture revitalization series

Huang Weixin, full media commentator of Hunan Daily

In terms of local culture, the county seat is not only a "throat" that integrates urban and rural industries, but also a bond of urban and rural flows such as urban and rural culture blending and inheriting and innovating, promoting cultural, knowledge, funds, and talents.

Cultivate rural culture, root in the countryside, and in the county seat. For thousands of years, the county seat has been the basic unit of economic, cultural, and social governance to radiate vast rural areas. In the process of modernization, the county seat bears the basic functions of linked cities and rural areas. "I can't enter Dongshan School, nor can I get to Changsha City. I am afraid that Shaoshan Chong!" At that time, Comrade Mao Zedong described the key role of the county's study on his growth. In a real context, the county seat is the starting point of the dream of rural students. Its local cultural heritage has a deep cultural heritage, and has the relative advantages of cultural environment, cultural systems and cultural resources.

At the urban and rural linkage, charm is everywhere. Entering Guangming Village, Wangcheng District, Changsha, Bella Town, Butterfly Valley, B & B and other projects. With the strong advancement of the district committee and district governments, the benefits are gradually showing; By each year, the collective economy of the village exceeds one million yuan, with the help of urban and townships and townships, and the industry is prosperous and accelerated. This is the case in the industry, especially the construction of cultural construction. Puyang City overall promotes the "Wancun understanding people" governance model. The red and white happy events have been held, and there are fewer disputes in neighborhood. The rural style is moving.

In reality, the rural foundation is poor, the foundation is thin, the farmers' spiritual life is relatively poor, and the cultural construction has both the problems of the rules and bad habits, but also the risk of the Internet vulgar culture. Promoting cultural revitalization, it is not enough to rely on the power of the countryside alone. It is necessary to adhere to the active and bonds of the county seat with the active role and bond of the county. Zhenxing County culture, the benchmark of rural culture, enhanced radiation and influence, do cultural and educational resources such as primary and secondary schools, art and physical training, enrich the cultural facilities such as bookstores, bookstores, cinemas, KTVs, etc., advocate civilized and healthy lifestyles, allow The county seat is a leader in the development of rural culture.

Strengthening the construction of county cultural inheritance bonds, the core is to give play to the role of the main position of the county's cultural revitalization. Strengthen Xi Jinping's publicity and education of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, strengthen the leadership of socialist core values, and vigorously advocate the social style of virtue to the good. More accurate and effective supply can maximize the role of rural cultural resources. The county cultural workers know the local folk customs most. It can carry out activities in the way of local farmers and seeing spiritual food. Resources, increase the co -construction and sharing of rural cultural facilities and resources in the county, to create an overall cultural IP, and the improvement of rural cultural soft power is very promising.

Revitalizing rural culture also needs to strengthen the protection and promotion of rural original culture. "Under the fence of Caiju, see Nanshan leisurely", in the county seat, it is very close to the poetic rural life. You can also enjoy convenient public facilities and rich cultural life, attracting more and more rural population home. Some folk customs, traditional skills, rural music and village dramas have also entered the city with farmers, bringing more cultural collisions. It is such a blend of interaction that it is possible to dig out the essence of more rural traditional culture and make it a sources of wisdom and inner spiritual motivation to promote rural revitalization.

"The county is the largest city." This sentence hit the hearts of many people, and "county" is the hometown of most Chinese people's minds. The metropolis is large, but the distance between people is far away, and the circle of life is even smaller. The county seat is the door of the house and the acquaintance pile, and it is integrated into the county. The role of the county seat in the revitalization of the county is to raise the benchmark line of rural culture. The hometown has a civilized and rural style, a good family style, and a simple and civilian style. Enter your ears and get into your heart.

[Responsible editor: Wang Yaobing Intern: Yang Shuwen]

[Source: Hunan Daily · New Hunan Client]

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