Party members and cadres in Zhangwan District, Shiyan, Hubei: sweat wet wet placket prevention and epidemic prevention

Author:Shiyan Daily Time:2022.08.18

Correspondent Zhang Wenling Ke Quanzhen

"Master, this is your dish, let me check with you, potatoes, carrots ..." "Please keep one meter distance from residents, queue in an orderly manner, and carry out nucleic acid testing." In the past few days, all party members and cadres of the Financial Bureau of Zhangwan District, Shiyan City, Hubei Province moved immediately. Under the strong leadership of the party group of the bureau, sinking a line, using a touch of "volunteer red", painting the warm background of the Zhangwan warfed disease Essence

Stick to the stall

Under the premise of coordinating and arranging the prevention and control funding for the entire district, the Zhangwan District Finance Bureau formed 7 "war" teams, all members went to the battlefield, sinking 7 points to carry out the epidemic prevention and control work. Carry out persuasion of residents, do a good job in residents' emotions, distribute basic living materials for residents, assist the community to conduct nucleic acid testing, and provide necessary for key special groups, such as emergencies such as emergencies, chronic diseases, pregnant women, etc. Assure.


Faced with the extreme hot weather of more than forty degrees, facing the 24 -hour stamps and sticking to work, and in the face of a rest and sleep time of less than 3 hours a day, all party members and cadres of the Financial Bureau of Zhangwan District did not retreat and faced the difficulties. Even if the sweat is soaked in wet plackets, there is no complaint, and always adhere to the prevention and control of the epidemic as a top priority that is currently overwhelming, adheres to the "first leader" of the unit, scientifically deployment, and the time of overcome Controlling sturdy defense.

Late at night

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