Pingwang Town, Wujiang District, Suzhou City: "Stand -in Direct Lianlian · Minqing Diary" root system to open up the service "last meter"

Author:Pioneer government Time:2022.08.18

Pingwang Town, Wujiang District, Suzhou City continues to deepen the innovation project of "integrating into the party building", take the opportunity of economic developed town reform as an opportunity, innovate the "Yunju Pingwang" digital platform, "Pingwang Red List" WeChat public account "Stand -in Direct Linking Linking Direct Link· Diary of the People's Republic of China, relying on the "big data+grid+iron foot board", carry out the construction of "root system" solidly, and continuously extend the tentacles of party members to contact the people.

(The picture shows the vanguard of the party member Ge Feng conducted a visit to the household, inquired about the recent physical condition and life needs of the aunt and wife, and told the high temperature precautions in summer.)

(Correspondent: Ruan Yanwu)

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