"Xinhua Daily Telecom" front page report!Shangcheng's "Most Beautiful Herbal Tea Stall", 45 years of warmth!

Author:Shangcheng Published Time:2022.08.18

Look at the specific reports together

The scorching sun is empty, and the cicada is arranged. Next to Zhangjiaqiao Bus Station, Xiaoying Street, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou City, the crowd was bustling, and a green parasol was covered with simple herbal tea stalls. The two volunteers in white were busy handing a cup of herbal tea to pedestrians.

At noon on the 17th, Hangzhou Meteorological Observatory issued a high -temperature orange warning, and the temperature in many local urban areas exceeded 38 degrees Celsius. This summer, Hangzhou City has received "baking". From August 11th to 15th, 5 consecutive weather temperatures exceeded 40 degrees Celsius, up to 41.8 degrees Celsius, and set a new high since the meteorological record.

"Are there any tea?" The takeaway brother stopped the electric car in front of the tea stall, shook the empty mineral water bottle in his hand, and greeted the volunteers.

"Enough! We just changed a bucket of new tea." The 73 -year -old volunteer Li Jinsheng took the water bottle and helped him fill up. Li Jinsheng is an old party member who lives in Ban Mountain Street, Gongshu District, Hangzhou. He rushed to the stall to distribute herbal tea every day. It takes 1 hour on the road.

A cup of tea under the water, the master Xiang, who was picking the burden to sell figs, gave a thumbs up to the volunteers. Every year in summer, he will come here for a few cups of herbal tea and talk to the stall owner a few words, but this year's herbal tea stalls change the owner.

At high temperatures, providing pedestrians with free herbal tea stalls are the "most beautiful herbal tea stalls" in many citizens. The owner Gu Zhonggen insisted on 44 years. At the age of 84, he died of illness. The herbal tea stall began with Uncle Gu's grandmother, and his mother passed him to the stall.

"Uncle Gu is gone, the herbal tea stall is still there!" The 71 -year -old volunteer Wang Qiumong said, learning that Gu Lao died, many volunteers and citizens took the initiative to relay. They formed the volunteer service team to inherit this love inheritance. Go down.

The days when the stalls were out of the stand to the end. Volunteers are estimated to be used on the day of the weather forecast every day. This summer, it is extremely hot. In the past, the average of 2-3 barrels of water a day was used. This year, 5 barrels of water were used to make 200 catties of herbal tea.

The herbal tea stall also prepared boiled water, because there are three large hospitals nearby, which can facilitate patients taking medicine. After the epidemic, the volunteer service team sought the opinions of traditional Chinese medicine experts, and added Chinese medicinal materials such as cicada, Ophiopogon, licorice, Codonopsis, Hangbaiju and other Chinese medicine to herbal tea. It also added barley tea and black tea.

Zhang Xianfeng, the captain of the volunteer service team, introduced that the tea stall volunteers had 10 people at first, and now they have expanded to 28 people, with an average age of more than 50 years. Two people burned and delivered water. They started to boil tea at 6 am every morning, and then cooled the tea naturally to ensure the taste.

"Many people are not to drink herbal tea. They often come to find city memories. Seeing that Uncle Gu is okay, the herbal tea stalls are still there." Wang Qiuyong said that more and more beneficiaries have become participants, "the most beautiful is the most beautiful," the most beautiful is the most beautiful The herbal tea stalls will be passed down.

Liang is warm in your body

45 years of love relay

It is everyone's love for the city of Hangzhou

It also shows the original intention of inheriting public welfare

Source 丨 Xinhua Daily Telecom Xiaoying Street

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