The chip price "avalanche", the price of new energy vehicles is reduced?

Author:Jinan Times Time:2022.08.18

The "core shortage" that plagues the automotive industry for nearly two years is about to end?

According to media reports, after the price skyrocketed, the chip market began to reduce price reduction sales. Some chip prices even began to decline, and the decline reached 90 %.

Although the tightness of the chip has eased, as the penetration rate of new energy vehicles has risen rapidly, the phenomenon of supply of some vehicle chips also appears. After the price increase in the first half of the year, will new energy vehicles be reduced in the second half of the year?

Data map: chip.

Why does the chip price fall?

According to Shen Hui, the founder, chairman and CEO of Weimar Automobile, the recent changes in chip prices are not "avalanche", but "returning".

Compared with traditional cars, new energy vehicles are more cost -effective in terms of chips.

"The traditional car is about 600-800, and the new energy vehicle will reach 1300-1400." Yuan Chengyin, the Secretary-General of the China Automobile Chip Industry Innovation Strategy Alliance, told China New Finance that "the price of chip bicycles requires about $ 400 in traditional cars. New energy requires $ 700-800. If it contains intelligent configuration, it may exceed $ 2,000. "

"Although the original price of more than a dozen or twenty dollars has increased to thousands of dollars, everyone has to use it." Yuan Chengyin said that because each chip is not available, especially the chip that controls stable and functional safety of control and functional security. Essence

"Taking the ESP chip as an example, it has risen from several hundred yuan to 3,500 yuan in the past, an increase of 10 times." Shen Hui said that in the past, the cost of the vehicle chip was infinitely close to the battery pack, and the car company paid a huge price.

Regarding the cause of chip price fluctuations, Yuan Chengyin said to Zhongxin Finance that before, some companies had snapped up chip occupying a large amount of production capacity. Since 2020, when new energy vehicles have risen, the supply has declined due to the rising demand of new energy vehicles. It caused the price of vehicle chips to increase the price. In addition, some factories have discontinued production and the panic psychology of the market, which has further pushed the price of the car chip. At present, the above points are changing.

Affected by rising costs such as chip prices, the new energy vehicle brands have announced prices in the first half of the year.

"No car company is willing to win market competition in a way to increase the price of the car. When the chip price increases, the car company generally regards the shortage of cores as a short -term price change, and adjusts to digest through its own adjustment." It just represents the normalization of the BOM cost of smart cars. On the contrary, if the price of the chip has been rising, the price of the car will inevitably rise.

The picture shows the people visit the auto show. Photo by Luo Yunfei

Will new energy vehicles be reduced?

From the perspective of people and car companies in some industries, chip prices do not cause new energy vehicles to reduce prices.

"The previous price increase was not all because of the chip." Yuan Chengyin said, "Because the materials of the community have risen, whether it is nickel, steel, or aluminum, including positive and negative, it is not possible to deduct the reason for all the reasons to the chip. Above. "

In Shen Hui's view, the decline in chip prices will make vehicles cheaper. At present, some owners have reported that LED headlights are repaired. It takes thousands of thousands, can't afford, can't afford it. "This time, the price of LED light-emitting chips and driving chips has a price of 30%-40%. The price of this part of the spare parts will fall sharply whether it is the original or the deputy factory."

Tight supply and demand for vehicles may continue

According to the data released by China Automobile Association and China Xintong Institute, in the first half of the year, mobile phone shipments fell, and new energy vehicles rose strong. In response to this phenomenon, there is a point of view that "the production capacity of the mobile phone chip can be transferred to alleviate the tension of the car chip." In this regard, Yuan Chengyin said that there is a difference in the process of car regulations and consumer chips. From the perspective of the industry chain corner, It is not easy to do this.

"It is not simply saying that I do‘ dumplings ’today, and will be‘ noodles ’tomorrow.” Yuan Chengyin metaphorically that the production line of car regulatory chips will have higher reliability and some production consistency requirements.

Recently, chip manufacturer Enshiru announced the second quarter financial results in 2022 showing that about half of its income came from the sales of car chips. NXP said that at present, the supply of electronic components in the company still cannot meet all orders in the industry. Even if it is a gentle car, the company still believes that the supply and demand relationship is tense.


Edit: Weekend

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