Women's Federation of Dafeng District, Yancheng: Focus, popular, and interactive, singing the "chorus"

Author:Jiangsu Women's Federation Time:2022.08.18

Since the beginning of this year, the Women's Federation of Yancheng Dafeng District has closely focused on the theme of "Gellying Twenty Congress to the Party", and in the form of face -to -face and keys, to carry out the popularization, popularization, and interactive preaching, and in the form of the masses 'likes to hear, the masses' likes to hear and enjoyment Extend the big preaching to the front line, let the good sound go directly to the grassroots, and sing the "chorus".

Great preaching, singing the main theme

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The Women's Federation of Dafeng District has further promoted the series of "Sales of the Large -Big Big", and carefully designed the immersive, experiential, and interactive preaching in combination with the actual situation. "". Hold the story of "I add glory to the Red Flag", "Welcome to the 20th National Congress, the Revitalization of the Great Power", "I am struggling · Jia Mei" model of the model of advanced deeds and other activities, organize women's representatives to see, listen to one Listen and say that you can experience changes in life and talk about experience in exchanges and interaction. Through a series of major preaching activities, we can improve the interests of the masses, enhance the understanding of the masses, and let the party's theory take root around the women's masses.

Micro lecture, singing strong harmony

The Women's Federation of Dafeng District actively launched the grass -roots women's federation cadres, advanced typical models, teachers, etc. of the grass -roots women's federations of "understanding theory and preaching". Square and enterprise factories ensure that the preaching of "high level" and "grounding", and open up the "last mile" of the announcement. Preach the creation of "Beautiful Court" in the Citizen Plaza of Xiaohai Town, preach the "one law and one regulations" in the high -tech community in Fenghua Street, and preach in the Listening Workshop law in Hai Lingmeng Workshop ... The sound was sent to the hearts of the masses.

Online, singing a chorus

Dafeng District Women's Federation online and offline to create a ubiquitous "fingertips" lecture platform. Launched the column of "Dafeng Women" WeChat public account, "To the Party, saying something to the party", "Study in the Great Learning, I am reading today", so that the majority of women will become the protagonist of the lecture from the lecturer to express The voice of "the rejuvenation of the country has me". On the "Dafeng Women" video number, the "Most Beautiful Struggler" special video was launched, which promoted the formation of a good style of advocating examples and learning advanced, condensed the power of the scores, and welcomed the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical actions.

Source: Provincial Women's Federation New Media Center

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