Extend the industrial chain to create a new energy industry highland

Author:Tianshan.com Time:2022.08.18

Yu Jiangyan

Xinjiang is a large -scale clean energy base for national planning and construction. Implementing the "double carbon" goal, Xinjiang has become a hot land for "chasing wind" for energy companies. The transformation of light and heat, wind, desert, Gobi, and desert has become an advantageous resource, and new energy development space is huge.

During the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" period, Xinjiang will add 27.25 million kilowatts, 17.2 million kilowatts of light electricity machines, 2.5 million kilowatts of hydropower installed capacity, and 1.2 million kilowatts of pumping. At present, the entire district is promoting the development of the new energy industry vigorously. Taking this as an opportunity, it has accelerated the construction of Xinjiang's new energy industry chain, and promoting Xinjiang's new energy industry to a new level is a top priority.

To build a new energy industry chain, it is necessary to fully promote the large -scale and high -scale development and utilization of new energy such as wind power and photovoltaic sources, promote the formation of upstream and downstream industrial chains, and promote the optimization and transformation and upgrading of the entire industrial architecture.

The upper reaches of the linkage is to vigorously develop the photovoltaic silicon -based new material industry, promote the development of strategic emerging industries focusing on new silicon -based materials, and strengthen silicon photovoltaic, silicon chemical, silicon alloy, and silicon electronics industry chain. At the same time, the scale of wind power equipment manufacturing in Xinjiang is supported, supporting industries that have formed scale have been supported by policies, and encouraging them to go out to participate in national market transactions.

The downstream of the linkage is to strengthen the application services of the new energy industry, develop new energy operation and maintenance services, new energy testing services, and extend the new energy industry service chain as soon as possible, so that new energy will integrate into production and life in a larger scale.

The development of the new energy industry will drive the application of large -scale energy storage technology. At present, the Chinese energy storage market has exceeded the scale of trillion yuan. As a leader of the new energy industry leader, Xinjiang can consider guiding the landing of energy storage equipment manufacturing, focusing on a number of key core significance energy storage technologies and materials, cultivating energy storage storage energy storage storage storage storage storage storage storage storage storage R & D, manufacturing, and application of the entire industrial chain to further promote the consumption of the new energy industry.

Chain development can also be integrated cross -border, developing "new energy+" in Xinjiang, with transportation, tourism, agriculture, and animal husbandry, including integration with traditional energy, get out of a high -quality development industry chain, create Xinjiang samples, and rely on "" "Belt and Road", the overall export of Xinjiang plan.

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