Chuangcheng Micro Focus | Shibei District, Shibei District Demolition of illegal Construction to relieve the people's worries

Author:Qingdao Street Time:2022.08.18

In the past few days, the continuous rainy weather made Mr. Zhao, the resident of the third grid of Zhoukou Road, Luoyang Road Street, was very headache. Because the loft built on the top of the building destroyed the waterproof and leaked the rain on the rainy day.

It is understood that the loft on the top has been completed for many years. Previously, due to various reasons, it has not been successfully demolished. At present, the creation of a model city of civilized civilization is in full swing in Zhoukou Road community. In order to completely solve the problem and create a safe and comfortable living environment for residents, Zhoukou Road community decided to take the opportunity to create a city as an opportunity to remove the loft.

The community held a special council to discuss research solutions. Established a residents mediation team composed of the community Baojian leadership street office, the secretary of the disciplinary work committee of the street office, the community "two committees", the third grid branch secretary, and the grid staff. Communicate and coordinate, put the facts, and persuade patiently, because they have moved to Laoshan District to live, and the coordinated team members even went to their homes to do work. In the end, Mr. Ding agreed to dismantle under the persuasion of everyone.

On August 16, the street comprehensive administrative law enforcement squadron arranged for a special person to demolish the loft. Because the passage leading to the top of the building is only one person in and out, the construction waste cannot be shipped smoothly. The squadron specially coordinated the crane. It was transported through the "ant moving". It took two days to dismantle and clean up more than 30 square meters.

The illegal and private construction has invaded the interests of other residents, but also destroyed the overall pattern and environment of the city. In the next step, Luoyang Road Street will increase the demolition of illegal chaos, normalize the establishment of a national civilized model city, and adhere to party building Lead, focus on the crowd's anxiety, improve the appearance of the city, improve the quality of the city, optimize the city's environment, and promote the creation of a model of civilized models to the new level.

Peninsula all media reporter Deng Huixiu editor Zhang Weijian

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