Zhuzhou Economic Development Zone: Employees, Xiaowu cools in summer

Author:Zhuzhou Published Time:2022.08.18

The picture shows the person in charge of the Zhuzhou Economic Development Zone Trade Union came to the construction site of the Sedred Satellite Factory. Correspondent/Zhou Yifang Picture Conference

Continuous high temperature and heat are a severe test for all outdoor workers. In the past few days, Zhuzhou Economic Development District Trade Unions and Zhuzhou Economic Investment Group Unions have continued to carry out the "Employees, Sending Cool in the Summer" activities, and condolences to front -line employees of high -temperature jobs such as project sites, enterprises and new employment workers in their jurisdictions. Send to the care of the "maid's family".

In the past few days, the union of the district has successively came to the company branch of Bo Mai Medical, Sedred, Zhuzhou Checheng, and 7 new employment industries including postal and SF, which will be equipped with mung beans, white sugar, heatstroke cooling items and ice sleeves, and ice sleeves, and ice sleeves. The "cool gift package" of soap, towels and other items was sent to the front -line workers who fought in high temperature weather, and expressed their sincere greetings to them. Production of various protection measures to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees.

Zhuzhou Economic Investment Group Trade Union went to the Big Data Demonstration Center project and the big data industry service center project to send herbal tea, watermelon, and heatstroke prevention drugs to the cadres and employees who persisted at the high temperature and front line. Employees are healthy, safe, and cool summer.

Source/Zhuzhou Daily reporter/Li Yifeng correspondent/Zhou Yifang Zhang Fan


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