The Meteorological Bureau of Laonan City issued a yellow warning of hail [III level/heavier]

Author:Laonan Early Warning Release Time:2022.06.08

At 13:30 on June 8, 2022, Jilin Province Meteorological Bureau issued a hail yellow warning signal: It is expected to have hail weather in some parts of the city in the next 6 hours.Joint reminder of the Emergency Administration and Municipal Meteorological Bureau: Pay attention to preventive work.

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The Yongning County Meteorological Bureau issued a thunder and yellow warning [III class/heavier]

[Early Warning Information Release Center] Yongning County Meteorological Observatory, June 08, 2022, at 14:08 at 14:08, a thunderbolt yellow warning signal: It is expected to be in the next 6 hours,

Just tomorrow, the whole line will be opened!

/Reporter from China National Railway Group Co., Ltd.(The following referred to a...