Qufu: Nishan Town played a grid role to help the normalization epidemic prevention and control

Author:Qufu Rong Media Time:2022.08.18

Qufu: Nishan Town played a grid role to help the normalization epidemic prevention and control

In order to better help the prevention and control of the normalized epidemic, Nishan Town, Qufu City gives full play to the role of the grid. Two types of supervision, establishment of three accounts, refining four measures, and optimizing the "12345" working method to optimize the five -level grid, do a good job of preventing and controlling the epidemic prevention and control, and building a normalized "protective wall".

Improve a management system, give full play to the leading role of the headquarters, establish a management mechanism directly responsible for the party committee secretary and the mayor, and adhere to the physical operation. The overall situation, detailed and decomposing the day of work. Give full play to the role of grid management, press the leadership, secretary of the management zone, the cadres of the village, and the "two committees" cadres in the "two committees" cadres. At the same time, it is equipped with a young cadre as an information officer for each pipe area. Ensuring the responsibility of the epidemic prevention and control, some people take the responsibility, the job is grasped, and the problem is controlled.

Carry out two categories of supervision and press the responsibility for preventing and controlling the real epidemic. Combined with the actual situation of the restoration of the scenic area and the construction of projects under construction, the construction of the foreign population has increased, the town epidemic prevention and control headquarters has established two types of supervision and inspection models centered on the supervision. Normal supervision, a joint supervision team of the town disciplinary committee, supervision office and administrative law enforcement squadron, normalized supervision and inspection of village residences and resident operating venues every day, and issued rectification notices on the spot and rectified on the spot on the spot. Industry special supervision, which is responsible for the industry authority, is detailed into seven special supervision groups. It uses a combination of inspection and unannounced visits to conduct full coverage supervision and inspection of the scenic and built -in homestays, construction sites, and production enterprises. Make sure that there are no dead ends and no loopholes.


Establish three accounts and dynamically grasp the population information of the area. Grasp the flow of personnel in the jurisdiction, take the village as the unit, use the number of household registration in various villages, establish the accounts for settings, migrant workers, and school, etc., and bid the current residence of Qing personnel, and inform Qufu's prevention and control policy in time. Grasp the situation of local residents, rely on the "seventh census census" data at the village level, establish a permanent population account to ensure that nucleic acid testing is "not leaking one household or one person." At the same time, the accounting account is combined with industrial and commercial information. Focusing on the planting of farmers, construction sites, individual industrial and commercial households, and left -behind personnel in the jurisdiction of the area under their jurisdictions to carry out the "knocking on the door and knocking window" in the area of ​​small and medium -sized enterprises, and establish a foreign personnel information account. For information on big data push, timely telephone follow -up, and incorporate migrant workers into unified management.

Four measures to refine and comprehensively strengthen the management of public places. The weaving "one net" combines the development of Nishan Town Cultural Tourism, and sets a single "big grid" in the Nichanshan Holy Realm Scenic Area to uniform management. Information overall work. Draw "a picture". Taking the department as the link, the town office provides basic planning, contact each village, hang charts, and implement the grid to the "paper surface". It displays the situation in each grid. The mechanism provides data reliance. Make good use of "a group". The person in charge of this grid and the person in charge of public places at all levels are added to a WeChat group to ensure that the basic situation of the area is clear in the chest, timely understand the needs of the masses, and release the information in high risk areas in the epidemic group through the WeChat group in a timely manner. Share common sense of epidemic prevention. Release "one card". Combined with the actual situation of the town, formulate a list of industry responsibilities, sort out 22 places in the town, and clearly clarify the leadership and responsible departments one by one. The competent authority is managed by the public places, posted a public place to contact the card, and established the "three packages and one" model of the town -level management industry department, the contractor cadre, and the contractors of the public place. Essence

Optimize the fifth -level grid and weave the woven epidemic prevention and control network. On the basis of the original comprehensive governance grid, further weaving densely weaving fine grids, and building a five -level grid -guarantee responsibility system for the epidemic prevention and control. The town -level grid service management center is the "big grid". The deputy secretary of the division is the director of the grid management center, and the township comprehensive management office is responsible for the grid operation management of the town; The leaders of the management area are led by the responsibility. Responsible for the management and management of the village; with 67 large grids of comprehensive governance as the "micro mesh". The grid of the original comprehensive governance grid is responsible for the mesh operation management of the large grid within the large grid of the management area; it takes 312 grid as the "fine grid". The large grid is divided into multiple small grids according to the actual situation. Each small grid member is also a grid member such as the original grid staff, the members of the village branch committee, the captain, and the volunteer. Pigramatic operation management.

(Correspondent Cao Tianyi Wang Yanbing Yin Han)

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