Lin'an Island Shi Town: Carry out the quality activity of the “learning competition” business of the grid staff

Author:Changde All -Media Time:2022.08.18

In order to implement the spirit of the "Guiding Opinions of the Communist Party of China Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee on Promoting the Governance System and Modernization of the Governance System and Governance Capacity", and further build a strong grid governance team, Shimoshi Town launched the "learning competition" of the party building leader network Gezhi Zhizhi Zhi Governance, " Business knowledge ability competition.

On the morning of August 17, Shimoshi Town organized all grid 1+3 members to conduct a test of knowledge capabilities for the party building unified grid intellectual business. This test focuses on the implementation plan of the "Guidelines for Hangzhou's Party Construction Unification Clearance Grid Smart Governance", "Lin'an District 2022" Grid Construction Improvement Year "activity implementation plan," 2022 Lin'an District Grid Affairs List (Trial) "," Lin'an " The content of learning materials such as the Trial Examination of District Grid Affairs "and other learning materials were carried out.

In the town examination room, all the full -time grid staff sitting in accordance with the prescribed position. Everyone invests in the exam with full passion, combined with the learning and practical work of the usual thoughts, carefully examines the questions, answers the questions carefully, and orderly. At the same time, the test room was set up in each village to test the grid long, part -time grid staff and grid instructor.

The party building unified grid is an important part of the modernization of the grass -roots governance system and the modernization of governance capabilities. In the next step, Shishi Town will be based on the new connotation of grid under the "141" framework. Improve the level of grid team building, laying a solid foundation for grassroots governance for the construction of the "Fumei Model Town of the Mountains".

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