Evergreen Street Organization Learning "Notice on Typical Cases of illegal issues in the field of public officials in the construction field of public officials"

Author:Loudi News Network Time:2022.08.18

娄底新闻网讯(通讯员杜群霞)为进一步强化警示教育、深化以案促改,近日,娄星区长青街道组织机关、社区全体党员干部学习《关于6起公职人员工程建设领域违规问题典型案例的Notes (hereinafter referred to as the "Notes").

At the meeting, the Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Street Party Organized Cadres and Cadres learned the content of the "Notice", and contacted some cases that happened around them for in -depth analysis. Through full coverage learning, let party members and cadres further abide by national laws and regulations through warning education, conscientiously implement the party's line, policy, policies, resolutions, and national laws and regulations, and practice the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly for the people to serve the people. To integrity for the people.

After the meeting, everyone said that through warning education, people around the people around them can further alert the party members and cadres at all times to highly anti -corruption and sword, strictly adhere to the "red line" and "bottom line", do not touch the "high -voltage line", deepen the wind and anti -corruption Ensure a stable and healthy economic environment, and to promote the high -quality development of the key tasks of Changqing Street with strong responsibility.

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