8 minutes to the scene, 30 hours of danger!Donghu Tunnel Flood Control and Stainless Exclusion Exercise Staged "Speed and Passion"

Author:Pole news Time:2022.06.18

Jimu Journalist Lu Chenghan

Correspondent Wang Yang

Outside the East Lake Tunnel, heavy rain was pouring. Seeing the danger of pouring water into the tunnel at any time, the emergency team arrived at the scene for 8 minutes and completed the flood control task in 30 hours. On the 17th, the emergency drill of flood control stains was staged in the Donghu Tunnel in Wuhan.

Exercise site

In order to further improve the level of flood prevention and rescue and the ability to combat the team, do a good job of preserving flood prevention and stains, improve the emergency response and disposal capacity of the Donghu Tunnel to respond to heavy rain stains during the flood season, and ensure that emergency work can be timely efficient and orderly when emergency rain disaster disaster. Carry out. On the morning of June 17, the Wuhan Bridge Tunnel Affairs Center jointly traded the traffic management department to dispatch 27 emergency personnel to launch emergency drills of flood control and stains in the East Lake Tunnel.

At 9:50 on that day, all members of the emergency drill command team and live drills were all assembled. At 10:16, the exercise officially started. At 10:17, the inspector reported that the area on the left of the Lake Xin Island was relatively rainy, and there was the risk of rainwater pouring at any time. The central control room immediately launched an emergency plan and notified the traffic police department to go to Huxin Island to conduct traffic.

Exercise site

At the same time, the members of the emergency team performed their duties, and they took materials to the scene with materials within 8 minutes. They quickly blocked traffic, carried sand bags to build dams, cut off the power supply, installed emergency drainage pumps, generators, connected cables and fire water bands, tissue pumping Destroy water to reduce the impact of water conditions on traffic at the fastest speed.

At 10:46, the danger was lifted, and the scene was cleaned at the scene. When it was used for 30 minutes, the exercise officially ended.

Flood conditions are orders, flood prevention is responsibility. This exercise greatly enhanced the emergency response ability and awareness of the East Lake Tunnel's rescue team to the tunnel drainage work, improved the emergency rescue capabilities, and strengthened the level of emergency management.

The relevant person in charge of the Wuhan Bridge Tunnel Affairs Center said that it will continue to optimize the response measures for flood prevention and waterlogging, continuously improve the emergency response capacity of emergency rescue teams, ensure that there are no accidents such as tunnels. flood.

(The picture is provided by the correspondent)

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