Seeing Zibo | "Rolling Stone up the Hill" upgrade industry, the "Qi Min Yao Xie" in the century -old industrial city is upgraded.

Author:Zibo Daily Time:2022.08.19

The TV series "Soldier Assault" has a classic inspirational desk word: "Don't abandon, don't give up", and the spirit of bloody and upward spirit in the words.

On the road of transformation and development in Zibo, this spirit shows it. Do not abandon traditional industries, do not give up any chance to be among the forefront.

Zibo has a history of modern industrial development for more than 110 years. Among the 41 industrial industries in the country, 39 have achieved large -scale development in the local area. The industrial system is complete, the door category is complete, and the supporting capabilities are strong. However, the proportion of traditional industries and heavy industry industries in Zibo, and the large consumption of resources and energy has become a real situation in front of it. As the first batch of old industrial cities and resource -based city industrial transformation and upgrading demonstration areas, Zibo soberly realized that traditional industries are the "cockpit stones" of the economy.

Industry innovation is imminent. In recent years, this "century -old industrial city" has used the "rolling stone to go to the mountain" to achieve the "curve overtaking" of the traditional industry, the new economy "exchanges overtake", and reshape the city of an industrial in the new era.

"Bone injury and bone" transform and upgrade traditional industries

For a long time, Zibo's traditional industries accounted for 70%of the industry, and the heavy industry accounted for 70%of the traditional industries. The traditional industry is the rice bowl of Zibo, and it has also become a pain point for transformation and upgrading.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zibo has the advantages of industrial foundation and established Qilu Petrochemical Victory Refinery. This was also the largest refinery for crude oil in the country at that time. Over time, the chemical industry has gradually become the first pillar industry in Zibo industry. In recent years, with severe situations such as the cost of factors and the increase in resource and environmental pressure, Zibo has faced huge pressure and tests of transformation.

There are no backward industries, only backward products and technology.

Modern industrial park

"Through various procedures such as safety and environmental risks, land planning and other procedures, and rating evaluation, we first closed more than 600 illegal and backward enterprises, accounting for more than half of the city's chemical enterprises." According to Han Junbo, deputy director of Zibo Industry and Information Bureau, , Also carry out the identification and construction of chemical parks, build a platform for industrial development at high standards; introduce policy support to increase the cultivation of key enterprises and key products; high -quality planning and implementation of key projects to promote industrial transformation with projects.

On August 1st, in Linzi District, the Gathering Place of Chemical Engineering in Zibo, Qi Xiangteda issued an announcement. The Nylon 66 New Material Project (Phase I) invested by Tianchen Qixiang Investment (Phase 1) Following the successful driving of the acrylonitristic device and hebramine device, 200,000 The tons/year's two -顺 device smoothly opened up the entire process, successfully drove and produced Ji two 腈 腈 腈. As the first domestic industrial nylon 66 device with a complete industrial chain, it completely breaks the technology blockade and monopoly of our country's own two -cricket.

Chai Yongfeng, executive deputy general manager of Tianchen Qixiang, introduced that Zibo Chemical New Materials Industry Chain is complete, the chemical industry and talent are deep, and they are high with Tianchen Qixiang's upstream and downstream industrial chain. From the downstream of the upper and reaches of the industry chain, the downstream of the industry chain, from the low end of the value chain to the high -end value chain, from large refining to refining integration, Zibo's large chemical advantages, strengthening high -end chemical industry clusters, chemical industry in the supplementary chain and extension chain chain Continuous transformation and upgrading in the strong chain.

At present, Zibo has continued to carry out three years of technological reform of traditional industries, formulated a "one enterprise, one policy" transformation and improvement plan for chemical industry, machinery, and pharmaceutical industries, promoting optimization technology technology, optimizing product system, optimizing product quality, optimizing industrial chain, optimization, optimization, optimization Economic benefits "five optimizations". In the country's first "technical reform special loan" support policy, a total of 2.764 billion yuan was issued, and technological reform investment was 27.767 billion yuan. The company increased the income of about 3.98 billion yuan, driving 3069 employment and re -employment.

Focusing on the strategy in the future accelerate the emerging industry

While Zibo stabilized the traditional industry rice bowl, it also focused on emerging industries. Because this is a rice bowl about the future of the city.

According to Zibo's "Half -annual report" transcript showed that the added value of new materials, intelligent equipment, new medicines, and electronic information in the city increased by 14.4%, which was 5.3 percentage points in the industrial level of all regulations. Among them, the added value of the intelligent equipment industry and electronic information manufacturing industry increased by 26.1%and 55.5%, respectively. From this set of data, it can be seen that the industrial trend trajectory of Zibo City has shown a good trend, and emerging industries are accelerating.

Through Xinhenghui Electronics Co., Ltd., you can see the development momentum of Zibo's emerging industries. The exhibition hall is a chip such as bank cards, mobile phone cards. It is understood that the company is the only integrated circuit company in the world's only integrated line framework, module packaging, wafer thinning slices and testing. Ethymented metal leading frameworks and IoT ESIM packaging have achieved mass production. The products break the international monopoly, fill the domestic gap, and extensively replace imports. At the same time, it occupies a certain market share in the field of Internet of Things security in the Internet of Things, and develops a broad path for the future development of the enterprise. The policy of focusing on the investment and accelerated development of Zibo in Zibo City provides a broader environment and policy space for the development of Xinhenghui. The first day of the establishment of Xinhenghui has established the stage of listing and development, which will lead the development of industrial clusters.

Xinhenghui Electronic Product

In recent years, Zibo's electronic information industry has emerged and has become one of the fastest growing emerging industries. Zibo has become the number one IC card seal test base in the world. It has an industrial base that integrates the development and design and manufacturing of MEMS dedicated devices, and has emerged. A group of backbone companies and key products with the leading levels such as the Internet, Zhuochuang Information, and Yahua Electronics. Zhao Yunlong, deputy director of the Zibo Development and Reform Commission, said that Zibo insisted on promoting the transformation of emerging industries with "amplifying capacity", formulating accurate support policies in the industry, and accelerating the first breakthrough. In accordance with the industrial organization concept of "keeping close to the forefront, creating ecology, aggregation along the chain, and clustering", implement the industrial organization improvement plan, focus on cultivating 20 key industrial chains, vigorously carry out the new economy to cultivate the "fertile soil" action, formulate the development of new economy cultivation The "Opinions" and 12 support policies of new kinetic energy. As of now, 97 "new economy" projects supported by 11 new tracks including the Industrial Internet, Artificial Intelligence, Green Energy, and Digital Agriculture, accounting for 30%of the "Four New" projects. In 2021, the city's "top four" industries accounted for 48.9%of the industrial added value.

Digital and intelligent empowering agricultural and rural development

The book of "Qi Min Yao Shu" in ancient Chinese Agricultural Encyclopedia originated from Zibo, and now Zibo is conducting a digital revolution to explore a modern and efficient agriculture.

At the Gaoqing County New Lan Digital Agricultural Exhibition Center, a strong black cow lying on the pasture is enjoying light music. The black beef produced by it realizes the direct supply from the ranch to the dining table. According to reports, it is precisely because of the unique digital breeding method that it has created the high value and smooth and tender taste of New Lan Di. Nowadays, the most expensive parts of the black cattle in New Lan Di Di are priced at more than 2,000 yuan per kilogram. The price is at least 100,000 yuan.

Chef cooking New Lan Di Black Bull

At present, Shandong New Lan Di Ho Niu Food Co., Ltd. has realized the four -in -one development model of the beef cattle industry's "All Industrial Chain+National Cold Fresh Supply Chain+High -end Beef Brand+Black Bulls Featured Industrial Park". , Monitoring and management of slaughter division, deep processing, intelligent trading market, cold chain logistics, terminal distribution, etc., and build high -quality high -quality black bull industry chain industrial clusters. Focusing on the digital agricultural construction traceability system and digital monitoring platform, the intelligent chip link ERP, and opens with the traceability system of Ali and Hema, realizing one product, one -piece, one yard Tracing information.

The relevant person in charge of the company introduced that the company implemented a full -link digital quality control, and cooperated with Ali to complete the online sales layout. Yuan became the first domestic brand in Hema Fresh Fresh Meat.

This year, Zibo's "digital empowerment agglomeration to build digital agricultural and rural central cities" was selected into a typical case of the national rural reform pilot zone. As early as two years ago, 17 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, including the 17th Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, approved Zibo as the national rural reform pilot zone and undertake the tasks of digital agriculture and rural reform. Zibo first proposed to build a digital agricultural and rural central city in the "Agricultural 3.0 Age".

Feng Yuan, deputy secretary of the Party Branch of the Digital Agricultural Rural Development Center of Zibo City, introduced that the city has promoted digital technology in the links of planting, breeding, processing and other links. Digital transformation of agricultural enterprises, parks, and bases. Related enterprises have become new agricultural development. Large. In addition, the use of platform thinking and ecological thinking to promote strategic cooperation with domestic high -end platforms, create a cold chain logistics industry ecosystem, and foster local e -commerce simultaneously.

In the near future, Zibo took the opportunity of digital agriculture and rural reforms to use digital and intelligent transformation to enhance the entire agricultural chain and various fields of rural areas, and build a digital agricultural and rural central city with significant influence in the province and even the country.

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