This is what youth should be!Ruian New Year's Eve Entering Military Training Time

Author:Ruian Rong Media Center Time:2022.08.19

The sun is shining, and in mid -to -late August each year, Ruian Duo high school has entered the new "military training time" one after another, practicing with the classes as a square array, and experienced a unity, tension, serious, and lively collective life together. Recently, the reporter walked into Ruian No. 10 Middle School and Ruian Middle School to see the military training life of the freshmen of high school.

City Tenth Middle School: Copy high temperature weather and unlock the new posture of military training

At 15 o'clock, the sun was exposed to the face, and some hot feeling. On the city's ten middle school playground, the 495 Gao Yixin in the 11 classes was standing in a collective position in school uniforms. Closely, each student's cheeks and chin were sweaty, and his face was red. Students with weak constitutions couldn't stand the heat of the heat, and a "report" was temporarily retreated to the shade of the tree to rest.

"Below we practice military fist ..." With a password of the instructor, the students stepped steadily and made their fists. Military body boxing is a boxing technique composed of various fighting actions. It aims to cultivate soldiers' toughness, brave and tenacious fighting style. This is also one of the "compulsory courses" in military training in a week.

"Hold your head up, hold your hands, and move your fingers together." At the training site of the national flag class, under the guidance of the instructor, the two students simulated the gun, standing left and right, and a student in the middle of the student carrying the flagpole. In the slogan of the instructor, practice walking and walking. Although it was their first exercise that day, the coordination of action and the neatness of the queue were not consistent, but everyone practiced very seriously.

Although it has passed the autumn, the weather is still sunny and hot, and it is sweaty for a few minutes. How can student outdoor military training cope? "We have prepared heatstroke prevention medicines, burn tea supply every day, and adjust the training time. In the morning, we will be trained in the morning. The training rhythm will slow down in the afternoon. Dai Guangsen introduced that this year's students are generally weaker than in previous years. After the opening ceremony on August 15, the students were given full adaptation time to the first two days, and training was slowly promoted in stages.

For students, military training is not only to hone physical will and strict discipline style, but also a vivid patriotic education class, stimulate their patriotic enthusiasm, enhance the concept of national defense and national security, and cultivate a hard work style.

Ruian Middle School: Training in front of the students in front, there is medical volunteer guardians behind

From August 17th, Ruian Middle School has a total of nearly 800 students in 18 classes at the 2022 class to participate in a 10 -day military training.

At 16:30, the sun was still a little dazzling. New students are arranged for military training on the sports venue under the viaduct of the campus to avoid direct sunlight. The content of the training items in each class is different, standing military posture, singing military songs, and walking away. As the sun gradually mild, the team was pulled to the track and field field for running training.

At the training ground, 5 medical volunteers from the Municipal People's Hospital provide medical security for students. Yu Yijun, chief physician of the Department of Neurology of the People's Hospital of the Municipal People's Hospital, was one of the volunteers. He introduced that before military training, the WeChat group "Ruian Middle School 2022 Medical Support Volunteer Group" was formed. "On a hot day, the most common is heat stroke. We have made a lot of preparations. After the school, we found that the school has been fully prepared. Choose the right time point for military training. There is no phenomenon of heat stroke at present, "Yu Yijun said.

Yu Yijun introduced that some of the "minor problems" of students were found during the military training process: For example, there are students' back muscle spasm, and the posture may be incorrect. During the military training process, the instructor asked Spasm. It is understood that during the entire military training of Rui Zhong, this medical volunteer group organized personnel to participate in medical volunteer services.

The military training time of high school students in the city will continue until the end of September

The reporter learned from Wu Huanjian, commander of the Military Training Instructor of Ruian Middle School that a total of 208 instructors from the Ruian City and Armed Forces this year participated in the three -day pre -work training. After the qualification identification, about 200 instructors were sent to organize high school training in various schools. Most of the time concentrated from August 15th to the end of September.

"There are 18 classes in Ruian Middle School 2022, and we have sent 18 instructors, including two female instructors to facilitate the management of female students. In the 10 -day military training, we arranged for military boxing and queue training There are also skills training such as sanitary and rescue and fire safety knowledge. I hope that through this military training, we hope to enhance students' national defense concepts, cultivate excellent style, and exercise a strong physique, and lay a solid foundation for their future learning. "Wu Huanjian said.

Reporter: Yang Weiwei Li Xinru Wang Zhi

Edit: Cai Yi

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