Retired soldiers in Gaomi City become entrepreneurship to drive employment for employment.

Author:Gao Mi Rong Media Time:2022.08.19

Recently, the reporter saw at the training ground of the Function Driver Training Co., Ltd. that the trainees were practicing the reversing into the warehouse in an orderly manner under the guidance of the coach. It is understood that the company recruited 30 retired soldiers as coaches, and the proportion of retired soldiers reached 90%. Wang Hongjie, general manager of the company, introduced that although he has been retired for many years, he has always had a military camp, and he must drive more retired soldiers to start a business and employment. When recruiting trainees, do not forget to tilt preferential policies towards the martyrs and the army.

Today, Wang Hongjie and his driver training Co., Ltd. have begun to take shape, and more and more retired soldiers have achieved employment here. Coach Qiu Chunlong told reporters: "After retiring, I went to work in a few places, but they were not so good. After I came here to come here, I felt that I returned to the barracks. I was very suitable for this environment and atmosphere. I am particularly energetic and I am very satisfied with this job. "

Military camp forging quality, entrepreneurial realization of dreams. Unlike Wang Hongjie, as soon as Wang Weili, who was retired in 2015, returned to his hometown and made an article on the black land. After several years of struggle, the 10,000 acres of Liangtian family farms he founded have grown to more than 5,000 acres, allowing the surrounding villagers to have a place to increase their income. According to Wang Weili, at present, their farms recruit more than 40,000 migrant workers each year, with an annual salary of more than 6 million yuan. In the next step, we must continue to transfer the land and strive to reach about 10,000 acres of planting area, driving more fathers and folks to get rich. He will continue to create glory in the field of hopes with the attitude of soldiers.

Entrepreneurship realizes value and strive to achieve dreams. Guo Yubao, a retired soldier, took the initiative to abandon government resettlement, insisted on entrepreneurship, and founded the Fengcheng Moving Service Company with several comrades. This is also the first moving company in Gaomi. As of now, the company has attracted nearly a hundred retired soldiers, and 7 of them have also established their own companies through training and learning. More than 10 employees have purchased vehicles to carry out transportation, making the company the "cradle of entrepreneurial talent training". According to Guo Yubao: "At that time, it was difficult to come back to start a business at that time, but as a veteran, in order to reduce the burden on the government, it must be persisted. Although it was affected by the epidemic, five veterans were still absorbed by the employment of 5 veterans. Make a little contribution to society. "

Take the stage to build a platform to make the retired soldiers more brilliant. In order to allow more retired soldiers to circle their entrepreneurial dreams, Gao Mi City has increased measures such as increasing skills training, exerting the role of entrepreneurial incubation bases, improving the amount of independent entrepreneurial loans, and tax reduction and tax refund. Create more employment opportunities for retired soldiers. As of now, Gao Mi City has held 18 retired soldiers' special job fairs, providing nearly 3,000 employment positions, and more than 360 people signed a labor contract. Retired soldiers who participated in vocational skills training issued vocational qualification certificates to enhance the employment and entrepreneurial ability of retired soldiers, and help retired soldiers re -employment. In recent years, a total of 49 retired soldiers' own entrepreneurial loans have been issued, with a cumulative capital of 8.53 million yuan, providing strong funds for entrepreneurial soldiers; the issuance of difficulty in the distribution of more than 80,000 yuan, which provides a retired soldier who is difficult to live in life. Help; actively connect relevant departments to a series of preferential support policies such as tax -exemption and exemption of 117 military -founded enterprises in the city, and relieve the worries of the military venture.

(Supply: Wang Chojun Li Chongyu)

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