just!Xiamen issued notice No. 25

Author:Xiamen Daily Time:2022.08.19

Xiamen City's response to the new crown pneumonia epidemic work headquarters

[2022] Notice No. 25

In view of the need for the prevention and control of the epidemic, according to relevant laws and regulations, the announcement is as follows:

1. Category to carry out nucleic acid testing

(1) "Inspection inspection" of the people entering the building. All personnel entering the Xiamen immediately carried out a nucleic acid test immediately. If there is a history of residents -related cities within 7 days, they will report immediately and perform two nucleic acid tests within three days. Persons in key areas are implemented in accordance with relevant regulations.

(2) "Regular inspection" of key groups. Strictly follow the "Notice on the List of the List of Normal Nucleic acid Testing" of the Municipal Headquarters on the List of the "List of the Normal Nucleic acid Testing" (Xiamen Response Epidemic Headquarters Office [2022] No. 84) documents If the frequency is lower than three days, it is performed according to three days per inspection) to ensure full coverage and not missed inspection.

(3) The ordinary people are "convenient for inspection". All the people in the Xiamen implemented the "three days and one inspection" (August 20th-28), and the inspection point of the nuclear acid acid acid acidic acid was added to extend the service time as appropriate to provide convenient services to facilitate citizens and tourists to "inspect the inspections and be willing to inspect the inspection". Essence

Nucleic acid testing of the people -related risks is organized by the headquarters of each district.

Second, strict check of nucleic acid proof

From August 20th to 29th, all kinds of institutions, enterprises, institutions, public places, residential communities, etc. at all levels in the city, strengthen the "scan code+nucleic acid". , Strictly inspect the 72 -hour kernel acid negative certificate or sampling record within 24 hours (follow the public account of "Beautiful Xiamen Smart Health").

3. Gradually open public places

From August 20th to 22nd, the city's entertainment venue (including the entertainment hall, the song and the dance hall, etc.), KTV, bar, Internet cafes, script killing, bathing, bathing, foot bath, hot springs, SPAs, chess and card rooms, Mahjong pavilions and other indoor closed places Continue to suspend business.

All other public venues are open and strictly implemented to strictly implement prevention and control measures such as "appointment, peak peaks, current limit, ventilation, disinfection".

Fourth, the responsibility of pressing the four parties

(1) Location responsibility. Party committees and governments at all levels should pay close attention to changes in the prevention and control situation of the epidemic, optimize prevention and control measures in a timely manner, and ensure that work does not leave dead ends.

(2) Department of responsibility. The competent departments of various industries should fully implement the responsibility of industry supervision, and guide the supervision to urge relevant units to implement prevention and control measures strictly in accordance with regulations.

(3) Unit responsibility. Employers and business entities should do a good job of investigation and management of employees living in the history of immune -related cities, and strictly check the nucleic acid certificate.

(4) Personal responsibility. It is necessary to strengthen personal protection and actively report the history of residents related to the community (village), units or hotels.

The departments and units that have poor work will be dealt with seriously; individuals who violate relevant regulations will be held accountable in accordance with relevant regulations.

This confession will be implemented from August 20.

Xiamen City's response to the new crown pneumonia epidemic work headquarters

August 19, 2022

(Source: Xiamen City's response to the new crown pneumonia epidemic work headquarters)

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