Lower land area creates a nationwide municipal social governance modernization pilot urban exploration

Author:Huangshi Daily Time:2022.08.19

Tonghua Community Homorphology Hall

Lower land area comprehensive governance center

Pomegranate Garden Community Pioneer Station Station

Residents read the book in the station

Grassroots are strong and strong, and grassroots are safe.

Since being established in 2020 as the first batch of national municipal social governance modernization pilot urban areas, the lower land area has closely focused on the modernization of governance systems and governance capabilities, and actively builds the leadership of party building as the core, based on grid management, and diversified participation as the basis. The key, the construction of the rule of law as the guarantee and intelligent support as the means of "one nuclear and four -way" the new municipal social governance model, the whole district shows the social governance pattern of co -construction and sharing in the new era.

Party building leads the improvement of modernization governance system

"The community environment is getting better and better. When I was okay, I took my grandson to bend here. It felt very good." On the evening of the 9th, Ms. Xu, the resident of the pomegranate community, said in the community's small tourism garden.

Now walking in various communities in the lower land area, convenient facilities and warm -hearted services have allowed people living in them to be upgraded happily.

And this source of happiness is due to the core of the lower land area to adhere to the core of party building. Regardless of whether it is the top -level design or antenna extension, the lower land area has always adhered to the leadership of party building, fully build a new pattern of "big governance", and weaves the grassroots governance service network.

Build a new pattern of "great governance". The Lower Mandarin District Party Committee attaches great importance to it. The main leaders have arranged deployment in person, set up a leading group of work in high standards, and studied and formulated the "Implementation Plan for the Modernization of Municipal Social Governance of the Lower Low District". The three-year action plan of the district (2022-2024) ", achieves" four clarifications "of target tasks, key requirements, time progress, and responsible units, establish a working mechanism for" project implementation, charting, and normalization of supervision " "Great governance" new pattern.

Extend the new tentacles of the "big grid". Establish a grass -roots social governance organization system for "one nuclear and dual -link, one network co -governance", set up 216 party branches of grid, 1024 party group party groups, set up 74 community work teams, 37 emergency assault teams, 114, 114 companies Party organizations and 5636 cities and district -level in -service party members and cadres in the community report to the community to register and claim service positions, promote the sinking community, compile into the grid, enter the building, and weave the grass -roots governance service network.

New mechanism for "big property". Carry out the "Hundred Days of Tackling" operations of the Community Property Party, promote the full coverage of the party organization of the property enterprise, organize on -site observation activities, guide the implementation of the "three -party linkage" mechanism, explore the establishment of a two -way entry mechanism for the property community, set up a red property service management center 30 30 There are 143 community industry committees, establishing a property dispute mediation committee, continuously promoting the centralized regulations of the property management of the community, and focusing on solving the troubles, worrying things, worrying things, worrying things, worrying things, worrying things, and worrying of the district infrastructure Essence

Consolidate the foundation of the foundation and improve the level of refined management

In the early morning of the 8th, Lu Zhen, a grid member of the Qinglongshan Community Power Supply Community Lu Zhen's mobile phone WeChat prompt, kept sounding, "thanks to the help of small love, it will solve the problem so soon." The words of the residents in the grid WeChat group affirmed, Lu Zhen loved to say: "It is my happiness to solve the problem for everyone."

Since the implementation of the "full -scale social workers" service model, there are more time to take root in the community.

Streets and communities are the core of grassroots governance. How to improve the service capabilities of streets and communities has always been a problem of exploration of the lower land area. Since the beginning of this year, a series of measures have been launched around the strong streets, excellent communities, and solid grids, which further consolidated the fortress of grass -roots governance.

The re -refined optimization grid increased from the original 207 grid to 378, and the number of grids increased by nearly 83%. Strictly implement the "one grid and one member", further compacting the grid responsibility and narrowing the radius of service. Fully push the service model of the "Social Workers in the All -Level", integrate resources such as public security, urban management, health, and judicially, push the grid service team information to the door of the residential building, and add the grid WeChat group, stand on the masses, stand on the masses Do actual services in the pile to achieve contradictions, the demands of the masses, and the "one net pocket bottom" of government services.

Integrate 8 communities such as united communities and Lao Xialu community, and build a new Guangzhou Road community, Hangzhou West Road community, Baima Shan community, and Nanhu community to reasonably adjust the "flying land" and "flower arrangement" plots to effectively solve the large The community burden and difficulty in service. Promote the upgrade of the 10 community party and mass service centers, build 10 model communities including copper capital, copper flower, Corning, and Peacock Garden, and build a number of "red stations" such as the pomegranate park community, Hangzhou East Road community, and Corning Community. Optimize community position service functions to serve the "zero distance" of the people. Implement the admission system for community service matters, coordinate the establishment of a "small and micro power list" in the community, so that the community can truly focus on the responsibility and return to the main business, and make more energy to grasp party building, governance, and services.

We will deepen the reform of the street management system, fully complete the reform of the "four -handling and three centers" institutions of the street, and recruit 63 people and select 14 young cadres to enrich the streets. Formulate the "Two Clear Directory" and complete the signing of 74 street -level general power liability list claims and authorization confirmation. Establish and improve the mechanism of "street whistle and departmental registration", improve the two -way dispatch mechanism of the streets and departments, and the five streets (parks) large work committees and 37 community party committees in the district form a top -down power "main axis" and play a role Essence Cooperative co -governance integration of diversified governance forces

"Everyone said in the community!" Since the Tonghua community has the "neighborhood hall", the owner's consciousness of the residents has been awakened. Essence

Like such a "Division Hall" or "Terminal Pavilion", it can be described as abound in land. This year, the Lower Low District has established and improved the positions of residents' negotiations, mobilized and attracting all parties, and created a governance system for co -construction and co -governance sharing to achieve a beautiful homeland and a happy life.

Build the platform and promote residents' negotiation and autonomy. Actively establish a "neighborhood discussion center" as the carrier, build a "one -core, multi -governance" residential negotiation system, and set up 686 neighborhoods platforms to guide and encourage residents to participate in grass -roots social governance.

Gathering strength and promoting social organizations. Establish the five social organization of "community+community social organization+community charity resources+community workers+community volunteers" five social linkage mechanisms, set up the Lower Land District Social Organization Service Center to cultivate the "Red Silver Age Family" Volunteer Association, the lower land area 129 high -quality social organizations including the Datang Community Orange Orange Intention Volunteer Association and Lu Li Tongxin Volunteer Association provide public welfare services in the grid.

Let the team stronger and promote volunteer service empowerment. Establish a live broadcast room in the first county in the city in the city, relying on the new era of civilized practice stations (), and configure the "8+N" volunteer service team in the level. , Strengthen the grid service team.

Let the grassroots move and mobilize the people's extensive participation. Comprehensively promote the application of the "Ping An E Family" applet, broaden the feedback channels of the masses' "shooting, report at any time", encourage the masses to reflect their appeals in a timely manner, submit hidden dangers around them, express supervision opinions, and extensively mobilize the masses to participate in social governance, build everyone They are the working pattern of grid staff.

Establish a platform for rich intelligence management methods

Today's era is an information age and Internet era. With intelligence and information methods, it can greatly improve the level of social governance.

In recent years, the lower land zone has continuously enriched and intelligent management methods. By building a three -level comprehensive governance grid center platform, the construction of the Ping An Smart Community has been vigorously promoted, and "online and offline" carry out simultaneous services to save the intermediate links and make convenience services more. Accurate and efficient, opened up the "last mile" of convenience services.

Jianshi Three -level comprehensive governance grid center platform. In accordance with the principles of "multi -center unity, one center multi -purpose", complete the reconstruction and upgrading of 43 comprehensive governance centers in the district, street (park), and community, and standardize command scheduling, petition reception, legal services, contradiction disposal, The six major functional areas of grid management and psychological guidance are implemented, and the "one -stop service masses, integrated centralized office, and one dragon solve the problem."

Jianqiang Province comprehensive governance grid platform. The provincial comprehensive governance grid platform promoted trials in the entire district in April this year. The district has provided 225 opinions and suggestions for the platform optimization, reported 2345 contradictions and disputes, and established the "321" conflict and dispute to detect the work mechanism, and timely dispose of the pomegranate park community Pregnant women emergency medical treatment, preventing patients with severe mental disorders in Qinglongshan community accidents, and a large grid incident caused by neighborhood disputes caused by the water leakage of the Kolshan community.

Build a detailed application platform. Based on the principle of "actual combat effectiveness, integration and integration", there are more than 1,300 roads and 90 Ping An Smart Community to build a "Snow Liang Project" video probe to promote the top ten "smart and safe+" projects. The application platform of Huazhi Intelligent Ping An Community to realize intelligent alarm and other functions.

Fa -solid found the role of rule of law

To maintain the governance of the grassroots level according to law, the construction of grass -roots democracy and rule of law must be continuously strengthened. The lower land area has further promoted the creation of land under the rule of law. It takes communities such as copper flowers, pomegranates, and Corning as a pilot community.

In recent years, focusing on the propaganda of law popularization, position construction, and people's mediation, the lower land area has continuously innovated methods, enriched the propaganda carrier, and enhanced the level of modernization of urban governance with the rule of law.

Strengthen the promotional positions of the law. Relying on the Law Cultural Plaza of the Law District of Shenniu intersection, the rule of law cultural community of Longwan Yipin, and the Yuanjiazheng community's anti -drug rule of law education base, etc., promote the normalization of the "rule of law and physical examination", and extensively carry out "legal six entrances", "legal night market", and the "legal night market". The publicity activities such as the rule of law culture shows have continuously enriched the carrier of the rule of law to meet the needs of the rule of law.

Improve the people's mediation organization.Be the people's mediation committees of real districts, streets, and communities, and do 10 industry and professional mediation committees such as pre -complaints, property dispute mediation, marriage and family mediation, etc., and choose the best from the court, public security, and district departments.11 legal professionals were hired to enrich the grass -roots mediation organizations. Since this year, a total of 1,515 contradictions and disputes have been adjusted, 1509 were successfully mediation, the mediation success rate was 99.6 %, and the performance rate was 99.6 %.Optimize the business environment of rule of law.Promote tolerance and prudent supervision, announce the first minor illegal business behavior of free penalties, and announce the promise system for the implementation of 26 certification materials.Comprehensively deepen the reform of the "decentralization service", improve the level of "one window handling, one Netcom office", so as to achieve "no proof outside the list", comprehensively promote the reduction of the approval time limit, and reduce the approval time limit for the approval of 11,765 working days in the region.In the aspects of enterprise opening, enterprise development, protecting entrepreneurs, and protecting intellectual property rights, the rule of law guarantees.

Reporter Wang Tao Correspondent Express/Wen Lihang/Photo

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