"Smart monument. Love in the sunset" -Smark Classroom

Author:Huaihua People's Broadcasting Time:2022.08.19

With the continuous progress of the material civilization and spiritual civilization of modern society, the demand for smartphones in the elderly has become increasingly prominent.由高碑社区主办、成都幸福家社会工作服务中心承办的高碑社区2022年社区发展治理专项保障资金支持项目----“智慧高碑.爱在夕阳项目”于2022年8月19日在The Gaobei Community Day Care Center opened a smart classroom about mobile phone use. In the form of teaching guidance, this smart classroom teach the elderly to use some basic functions of mobile phones to experience the convenience of intelligence to themselves.

At 8:30 am on August 19th, the staff went to Gaobei Community Day to take care of the center activity room, and set up the scene in advance to prepare for the event. The staff conducted a body temperature measurement to the person who participated in the event and checked the health code. Later, the old people took the seats, and Xiao Han took the initiative to chat with them to shorten the relationship between each other.

Half an hour before the class, the staff led the elderly to review the content of the last class, and then began to teach the use of the basic functions of mobile phones, such as the storage and application software of the correspondence.

Install and uninstall, mobile phone garbage cleanup, entertainment software operation. Through guidance, the elderly with a fast learning progress will actively guide the elderly people who learn slowly. Everyone learn from each other and ask each other. In this event, a strong learning atmosphere was created, and the exchanges between students gradually increased. With the deepening of the understanding of smartphones, several aunts also asked the staff how to shop online, buy food, and pay. Everyone's learning energy is hot, and the end of the end, Aunt Cai said: "I have bought a smartphone for so long, and many functions have not been. Now the mobile phone is no longer a decoration."

The development of smart phones using smart classrooms allows everyone to gradually master the use of the basic functions of smartphones, open up a new channel for communication between the elderly and family and friends, and also enjoy the convenience of life brought to life in the era of science and technology. Has happy.




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