Beijing announced the list of the first batch of 1360 -free communities (villages)

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.06.18

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 18 (Reporter Wang Junlu) Reporter learned from Beijing on the 18th that after the application, recommendation, review and evaluation and other procedures, Beijing selected the first batch of epidemic -free communities (village villages) from 7127 communities (villages) in the city. ) 1360.

According to reports, the Beijing Epidemic Prevention and Control Leading Group decided on May 28 to carry out the establishment of an immovable community (village) in depth in the city. In the past few days, various communities (villages) are targets, actively created, and actively declare. Each street (township) (townships) is extensively mobilized, strengthened, and selected recommendations. Adjust, mature a batch of batch, choose a batch of trees ", from the 7127 communities (villages) in the city, the first batch of 1,360 outbound communities (villages) were selected, and announced to the society to inspire more communities (village villages (villages (villages (villages (villages (villages (villages (villages (villages (villages ) Actively invest in the creation work, and at the same time accept social supervision, and continuously consolidate the creation results.

Relevant departments in Beijing pointed out that the community is my family and governance depends on everyone. Create an epidemic -free community (village) to do a good job of preventing and controlling the epidemic. The territories, departments, units, and individuals must further compact responsibilities. Each community (village) must continue to focus on strict bayonet management, consolidate the foundation of the grassroots level, and strengthen community governance. Measures.

[Editor in charge: Zhao Wenhan]

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