The "vicissitudes of the sea" within one month of Dongting Lake?Hydrological Water Resources Survey Center: The water level decreased by 5 meters from the same period last year

Author:Red Star News Time:2022.08.19

"Dongting Lake is thin into a lightning?" Recently, some netizens posted a set of videos of Dongting Lake Lake on Weibo and other social platforms such as Weibo on July 14 and August 15. From the rippling of the blue waves to the prairie, it has attracted widespread attention.

According to local media reports in Hunan, since July, due to the reduction of water from the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and the continuous high temperature and rainy weather, the water level of Dongting Lake has fallen for more than 40 days, falling below 24.50 meters of dry water level, and entered the dry period 4 months in advance.

The fishermen who have lived in Dongting Lake for more than 50 years told Red Star News that the continued high temperature weather caused the water temperature to be too high. In order to avoid a large number of fish that may bring in high temperature weather, farmers dare not fish, and his air -dried fish yield also also Affected.

On August 16th, the Water Conservancy Committee of the Water Conservancy Museum issued a scheduling order to dispatch the Three Gorges Reservoir to replenish the Yangtze River in the middle and downstream of the Yangtze River from 12 o'clock on August 16. Preliminary estimates that from August 16th, the Three Gorges Reservoir will replenish about 500 million cubic meters for the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in the next 5 days. On August 19, the relevant staff of the Yueyang Hydrological Water Resources Survey Center told Hongxing News that the latest data at 3 pm on the 19th was 23.32 meters, a decrease of 5.22 meters compared with the water level of 28.54 meters in the same period last year.

In an interview with Red Star News, relevant experts pointed out that "encountering extreme droughts like this year, if there are not a few large reservoirs to store water early, and the investment in farmland water conservancy for so many years, we deal with drought to ensure the safety of food production safety. The ability will be weaker. This reminds us that we need to pay more attention to the investment in water conservancy in the future. "

↑ Data Matching Figure Figure according to IC Photo

Chenglingji Hydrological Station is approaching the lowest water level in history in the same period

Dongting Lake is the second largest freshwater lake in my country. It spans the two provinces of Hunan and Hubei. The lake area is 2,650 square kilometers, the total water storage capacity is 16.7 billion cubic meters, and the basin area is 263,300 square kilometers. One is an important storage lake in the Yangtze River Basin. It has an indispensable and important role in maintaining the relationship between the river and lake in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. It is known as the kidney of the Yangtze River.

On August 18th, Mr. Feng, a fisherman of the six gate gate of Rongjiawan Town, Yueyang County, Yueyang City, released a video shot on the same day. In the video, there was a small area of ​​water and a vast "grassland" in the distance. Mr. Feng told Hongxing News that he had lived in Dongting Lake for more than 50 years, and he had never seen such a drought in Dongting Lake.

Mr. Feng was living with dry fish. The recent continued high temperature weather caused the water temperature to be too high. In order to avoid a large number of fish that may bring in high temperature weather, farmers did not dare to fish, and his air -dried fish production was also affected. But he also said that his life water has not yet been affected.

Chenglingji Hydrological Station is located in Qili Mountain, Yueyang City. It is an export hydrological control station in Dongting Lake. It is also an important national hydrological station.

According to local media reports, from August 4th, the water level of Lingji Station in Dongting Lake City has been below 24.5 meters. This year, it was less than 80 days in advance than the average of the dead water this year, the earliest since 1971. As of 17:00 on August 17, the water level of Lingji Station of Dongting Lake City was 23.25 meters, falling below 24.50 meters, which was lower than the waters. The lowest water level in the same period was 23.12 meters on August 23, 2006.

"At present, the Dongting Lake area is still a state of drought, and the water level is also the second lowest situation in the past 30 years. The latest data at 3 pm today (19th) is 23.32 meters, which is 28.54 meters compared to the same period last year. There are 5.22 meters. "On August 19, the relevant staff of the Yueyang Hydrological and Water Resources Survey Center told Hongxing News that the lake water could be seen some time ago, and it is now a naked riverbed.

According to the Hunan Daily, on August 16, the Water Conservancy River Water Resources Commission issued a dispatch order to dispatch the Three Gorges Reservoir to replenish the Yangtze River from the Yangtze River from 12 o'clock on August 16. Preliminary estimates that from August 16th, the Three Gorges Reservoir will replenish about 500 million cubic meters for the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in the next 5 days. The relevant staff of the aforementioned hydrological water resource survey centers said that affected by the upstream Three Gorges Dam's hydration scheduling, the water level is expected to remain at about 23.3 meters in the next week.

Water conservancy expert:

Continue to increase the investment in farmland water conservancy, "planning ahead"

In fact, in recent years, it is not uncommon for large -scale droughts in Dongting Lake. Red Star News noticed that in 2016 an article published in "Lake Science" mentioned that in 2006, Dongting Lake District encountered the worst drought in more than 30 years, and the water level plummeted. Difficulty, loss of hundreds of millions of yuan. In 2011, the winter, spring, and summer drought in Dongting Lake District suffered the lowest water level in the winter, spring, and summer in the winter, spring, and summer. 100 million yuan.

In this article entitled "Process and Causes of the Water surface of Dongting Lake in Extreme Drought Incidents", the author pointed out that in 2006, Dongting Lake entered the dry period in advance, and drought occurred in July-December. In terms of temperature, in the summer of 2006, in June-August, Sichuan and Chongqing continued to have high temperatures and rain, and severe droughts occurred, which had a serious impact on the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The high temperature weather above 35 ° C in Dongting Lake daily duration lasts for a long time, and the average temperature is significantly high for many years. High temperature exacerbates water evaporation and crop steaming, which greatly increases the degree of drought. "Drought conditions have also appeared in previous years, but this year is an extreme situation. This time the drought is mainly caused by meteorological conditions, that is, the subtropical high pressure has been controlled in the Yangtze River Basin for a long time. The entire Yangtze River Basin, from Sichuan to Chongqing, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, etc. There are much less precipitation than the average value, resulting in extreme value this time. "Teacher Peng Xiangxun, School of Water Conservancy and Environmental Engineering, Changsha University of Technology, conducted related research on the optimization of water resources in Danting Lake District. He told Hongxing News that the water level of Dongting Lake was greatly affected by the water level of the Yangtze River. The reason why the Dongting Lake District was drought this time was mainly because the entire Yangtze River Basin was controlled by the subtropical high pressure, and the amount of rainfall caused the river and lakes to decrease and the water level decreased.

"What is the problem now? It is the subtropical high pressure on the Yangtze River Basin, there is no conversion, and it is difficult to produce rainfall. Some places may take artificial rain increase operations, but the effect is not particularly large. For example The effect is a bit, but it is not obvious. "

Peng Xiangxun said that crops are very sensitive to moisture. Taking rice as an example, if the water conservancy engineering water supply measures are not kept up in the water conservancy project during the water period of rice, rice output will have an impact. When the drought occurs, when the water flow of the river is reduced, if there is a large reservoir upstream in the irrigation area, if there is a large reservoir to provide water sources and irrigating the farmland, it will help alleviate the case of drought facing the crops.

"The new China has been established to the present, and the state has invested a lot on the construction of farmland water conservancy. In fact, this extreme drought today also reminds us that although the construction of a reservoir dam will affect the ecological environment, it will encounter this year's extreme drought situation. If there are not a few large reservoirs to store water early, and the investment in the water conservancy construction of farmland for so many years, we will be weak in dealing with drought to ensure the safety of food production. This reminds us that we need to pay more attention to water conservancy construction investment in the future. " Say.

Red Star reporter Ren Jiangbo intern Deng Baoying

Editor Deng Yiguang Editor Yang Cheng

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