Strictly enter the door!More than 800 epidemic prevention supervisors are set up in Chongwai Street, Beijing Dongcheng

Author:Beijing Beijing Time:2022.06.18

On June 16, the members of the Chongwen Street Comprehensive Law Enforcement Team of Dongcheng District, Beijing, inspected the prevention and control of the epidemic prevention and control of the catering units in the area under its jurisdiction.

According to the requirements of Beijing's new version of the "Prevention and Control of the New Crown Epidemic in the Catering Industry", various catering stores need to set up epidemic prevention supervisors. At present, the existence of supervisors has become the standard for catering vendors in Dongcheng District.

During the four hours of the reporter's follow -up, more than 280 customers who came to the supermarket conducted a coded temperature measurement in accordance with the requirements of the epidemic prevention supervisor.

Gong Xinyu, deputy director of the Chongwai Street Office of Dongcheng District, said: "The cuffling of the epidemic prevention supervisor is not only a simple cuffling, but also a responsibility transmission for them. A improvement of work management model efficiency. "

At present, there are more than 800 epidemic prevention supervisors in Chongwai Street. They can be seen everywhere in catering, supermarkets, and shopping malls. They are strictly guarded into the door and guarded everyone's safety.

Strictly control the control of the Quartet, and jointly weave the catering dealer's premium prevention and control network.

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