Tax County builds a "temperature with temperature" boutique homestay Time:2022.06.18 reporter Basha Tiegus

In early June, Shanxi tourists Han Yufei came to Tex County and stayed in the "Dream of Changge" homestays that were booked online in advance. sense.

Han Yufei came to Xinjiang in May and drove all the way to Tax County. "Tax's homestay service is particularly intimate. If you have the opportunity, you will definitely choose here next year." Han Yufei said that the beauty of Tools released on a private social platform made many friends in the heart and booked a homestay on the Internet.

Recently, with the warming of the weather, the domestic tourist team has come one after another, and the heating up of "Xinjiang people traveling in Xinjiang", Yili Prefecture has ushered in the summer tourism season in various places.

Living in the homestay in the beautiful scenery, immersive experience scenery is the ideal of tourists. The "Dream of Longge" homestays in Akteka Tie Hot Village, Tielik Town, Tax County, built catering areas, reading areas, swimming pools, small golf courses, etc. in 4 acres of land. Visitors can feel the pleasant scenery of the village and experience the high standard accommodation environment. The homestay operator Ruan Simeng said: "I integrate the modern style and the design of the elements of the Xinjiang ethnic minority into the homestay, and retain tourists with high -quality decoration."

Qiongkushita Village. Data map

In recent years, relying on rich cultural tourism resources, Tex County has created a group of special boutique homestays that can be visible, visible, and nostalgic. Maker, "settled" Tax County.

Bai Mo is an investor in Qiongkushai Village, Karadala Town, Tex County. In August 2021, Bai Mo traveled from Shanghai to Tax County. It was found that Tax County not only had abundant tourism resources, but also had a broad potential for the development of the homestay.

"Investing in a homestay here and enjoying the preferential policies of Tax County. The cultural elements of Qiong Kushtai Village are very attractive." Bai Mo resigned from Shanghai's work and stayed in Qiongkushtai Village to invest in the homestay industry. The primitive village landscape is designed to build a unique boutique homestay.

Tax County has introduced various preferential support policies, and forms a catering and accommodation industry with reasonable layout, distinctive theme characteristics, and unique cultural elements through joint ventures, cooperation, and asset integration.

Tax County has established a homestay association to achieve alliance -style operations, establishing a four -level assessment mechanism such as star assessment, continuing promotion, relegation warning, and rectification rectification. Increase the attraction of tourists.

Estate the Tax Homestay Training Course of the Technical School of Detox County, establish school -enterprise cooperation with schools such as Yili Normal University, and introduce excellent teachers. Excellent homestay owners, hotel backbones and tourist companies participated in teaching. , Normalize the training of homestay management, tourists, equestrian, guest room services and other positions, adopt "expert teaching", "teacher with apprentices" and senior experts in the industry to participate in lectures to improve the service skills and skills of participants , Consciousness, cultivate tourism professionals, and effectively improve the quality of service in the tourism industry. Since November 2021, 94 training courses for tourism -related work, participating in 3572 training.

In response to the lack of professional knowledge of some hostel owners and weak foundations in the homestay, the Tax County Homestay Service Center cooperates with the technical school, invite professionals and outstanding owners to teach at home, guide more than 200 homestays, and use the homestay functions. The planning and design, the garden style, the theme of the homestay, the use of the utensils, the service process, and the standard for on -site guidance have greatly improved and improved a considerable part of the weaker homestays.

As of now, there are 288 Star Best Bests (including homestays) in Tax County, 1986 rooms, and 5,146 beds. In the peak tourist season, Tax County can receive 16,000 accommodation tourists daily, of which 13,000 tourists receiving tourists can be received.

Yao Haixia, a cadre of the Homestay Service Center of the Tax County Cultural Tourism Bureau, said: "Tax County will continue to improve the construction of supporting facilities, build more cultural tourism integration boutique homestays, build a bombs of diversified development of homestays, and further guide and promote the operation of the homestay operation Standardized, let Turks not only stay in 'mountains', and stay' water ', but also the "culture', creating more" temperature "boutique homestays, driving the development of related industries."

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