The Fifth Expo Northeast China Promotion Conference and Heilongjiang Provincial Merchants Road Show held in Harbin

Author:Heilongjiang Daily Time:2022.08.20

On August 19, the Fifth China International Import Expo Northeast Promotion Conference and Heilongjiang Merchants Road Show were successfully held in Harbin. Heilongjiang, Liaoning, and Jilin Trading Group invited buyers in the jurisdiction to watch online. The event expanded roadshow coverage and promoted outstanding enterprises and institutions in larger and wider areas to actively participate in the Fifth Expo.

Activity site

The event was co -sponsored by the China International Import Expo Bureau, the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai), and the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Commerce. The Bank of China Heilongjiang Branch was supported to build a communication platform for exhibitors, buyers and relevant departments.

Exhibitors and their representative products

During the docking and matching activities held at the event, exhibitors from the Expo Medical Device and Medical Health Health Exhibition Area from the Expo, German natural air energy, Farsonuus Medical, Danna and other companies, the exhibitors of the food and agricultural product exhibition area, Zhengda Group, Heng Heng Natural, JBS, Jianong Fresh Fruit Trading and Heilongjiang Trading Group Da Manor Group Co., Ltd. Business conducts negotiation and establish a preliminary business connection.

In the negotiation of buyers and exhibitors

In addition, the Investment Office of the Import Expo Bureau, the Food and Agricultural Products Exhibition Area, the Medical Device and Medical Health Care Exhibition Area, and the Oriental Aviation Sales Committee Sales Management Department Institutional Service Center conducts publicity and promotion. As the main battlefield of Heilongjiang, the food and agricultural product exhibition area, the relevant person in charge of the Food Exhibition area of ​​the Expo has issued a sincere invitation to the food buyers of Heilongjiang Province. , Have three golden signs of cold land, green organic, and non -genetically modified. Over the past four years, the Expo has become an important investment and trade platform for Heilongjiang to embrace the world market, and it has also become an important window for the world to understand Heilongjiang.

Source: Lottery News

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