Dongping County Daiba Wetland Park opened: Keep the wetland "ecological green" to enhance the happiness of the masses

Author:Dongping County Rong Media Cen Time:2022.06.18

After two months of renovation, on June 18, Daoshi's National City Wetland Park was officially opened, adding another wetland "bright color" to Dongping County's ecological background, so that the masses can directly feel that they can enjoy more and enjoy more. Ecological benefits.

At seven in the morning, the parent -child ecological hiking activity of the Wetland Park of Daotunwa National Urban Park was shot in the park square. The 300 contestants were full of spirit, walking healthily between the wetlands and green roads, and enjoyed "walking in the scene," The beautiful scenery in the painting.

Participants Liao Yanfen: "Through this trek -and -child activity, I felt that the environment in it was particularly beautiful and comfortable."

Shuiqingshi has a good green ecology, and the flowers of the flowers and trees are excellent. Daorunwa Wetland Park, where the event is located, is a naturally formed swamp. In 2005, it was approved as a national city wetland park. In order to further improve the wetland ecosystem and allow the masses to share ecological dividends, since this year, Dongping County has fully promoted the comprehensive governance of Daocunwa National City Wetland Park, invested more than 10 million yuan for transformation and improvement. The infrastructure in the park has been fully upgraded. Gorgeous transformation, the quality of the park has achieved a qualitative leap.

Green is the background of nature and the background of the happy life of human beings. Nowadays, walking into the Wetland Park of Daotunwa National City, looking at it, the green trees are thick, the eyes are full of green, the water flows, and the scenery is the scenery. Harmony and vitality. The residents' leisure and entertainment have new places, and the happiness and satisfaction of the masses have also greatly improved. (Dongping Rong Media Reporter: Wang Teng Niu Hong)

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