Guard the happiness in old age

Author:Costrit Finance Time:2022.08.20

In 2012, Chen Zhixue, who returned to China, has entered the pension industry with the support of his old friends. This is ten years. However, with a sincerity, she won the trust of the old people and became the final winner.

Chen Zhixue has lived abroad for ten years. Although life is comfortable and comfortable, like many Chinese who live outside, Chen Zhixue can't help but miss his hometown. In addition to work, she often went to the nursing home as a volunteer. In the chat with the Chinese old people, she relieved her feelings of her hometown. In a foreign country, the hearts of the hometown are familiar with the conversation, and Chen Zhixue has established a deep friendship with the old people.

In 2012, Chen Zhixue returned to China. With the support of friends, he officially devoted himself to the pension industry and started to establish a high -level, superior service pension institution.

Talking about the future development direction of domestic pension institutions, Chen Zhixue generously shared his experience and made a promising suggestion. She said that in the early stage, she ran for many places and inspected everywhere to combine the Western Pension Apartment model with business philosophy with the current status of the domestic pension industry. It is a comrade -in -arms who are looking for side -by -side operations.

As far as Chen Zhixue is concerned, no matter how many honors and rewards are, it is more meaningful to change the concept of traditional pension. During seven years, Chen Zhixue has been rectifying the nursing home, intimate service and excellent environment, to meet the psychological expectations of the elderly and improve the elderly's loss of psychology. As more and more elderly people actively choose to stay in the nursing home, Chen Zhixue understands that the traditional concept is changing in modern society, and the psychology of the elderly has also changed from forced acceptance to active choices. Giving the power to enjoying life is the greatest contribution made by Chen Zhixue and Asia -Pacific.

"It is the most comfortable thing for the elderly to leave the world with a smile." For Chen Zhixue, it is a responsibility to accompany the elderly to spend the last years. Chen Zhixue has long been closely linked with the lives of the old people. She used her body to avoid the wind and rain for the elderly. At the age when she should have enjoyed the blessing, she leaned on the old man's bed, guarded the old man, and chose the most difficult profession to make the most extraordinary achievements.

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